This article contains the latest release notes and updates in Xuno
Latest Releases
Old Release Notes
XUNO v13.4.1621.1
30 September 2024
- Major Improvements
- Synchronise Event Attendance with Attendance
XUNO v13.3.1620.3
26 August 2024
- Major Improvements
- Recording Early Departure Time -
- Minor Improvements
- View All option in Lesson Plan -
- Adding the 'Periods' text in 'Absences' area in Xuno Family app
- Show student and staff birthdays on Pulse Alerts - Teachers can view their students' birthdays directly on their dashboards, and schools can also include staff members' birthdays. However, this requires admin setup for the teachers to access this in their settings. Teachers simply go to Options > Mentor Groups & Pulse.
XUNO v13.3.1620.2
07 August 2024
- Major Improvements
- Student Medical details in the Event - Xuno now automatically retrieves and includes the medical information for each student participating in an event.
- Minor Improvements
- Adding a calendar view in the Parent app - allows the parents to quickly review their child's attendance record, including details on absences and tardiness.
- Adding the 'Periods' text in 'Absences' area in Xuno Family app - The Xuno Family app has added the label "Periods" in the Absences section to clarify that absences are counted in periods rather than days.
XUNO v13.3.1620.1
12 July 2024
- Major Improvements
- Continuous Reporting - allows data from both Accelerus Continuous Reporting and Xuno Markbook items to be displayed on the Parent/Student Portal together, providing users with visibility and access to both.
- Minor Improvements
- Individual email Signatures - teachers can now add their own email signature in every email sent from Xuno. This can be added per user via Options > My Preferences > General > Email Settings.
- Enforce SSO Login for New Users- provides the ability to enforce Single Sign-on (SSO) for new users, including staff members, parents and students. Administrators are no longer required to manually enable SSO for each user, as schools can enforce SSO by default by configuring this in Options > General Settings.
- Overlapping Time Detection for Room Booking and Daily Org Staff Assignment - check for overlapping time periods in Room and Resource Booking as well as Daily Org. Xuno now displays warning message when overlap detected.
- Default Recipient Deselection for News Item Creation - recipients are now deselected by default, preventing accidental distribution of news item to unnecessary recipients.
- Add Campus Names for Schools with Multiple Locations- For schools with multiple campuses, Xuno now offers the ability to translate numeric campus identifiers from Cases21 data (or any other data source) into the school's preferred names, improving clarity and usability. To modify this, simply go to Options > List & Options > School > Campus Name.
- Directly Link the Absence Reports to the Student Dashboard- Staff members can now open student profiles of any student when generating attendance reports by simply clicking on any student name in the Attendance Summary.
- Colour Coded Incident Types- Xuno enhances incident types by adding colored icons to improve visibility when displayed in Pulse Alert notifications. All incidents are now also visible in Pulse, regardless of whether colors have been assigned to an incident type. To modify this, simply go to Options > List & Options > Incident Types. Xuno will now also hide the coloured dot when no color is selected or if the school prefers not to add one. This ensures that incident types still appear in Pulse alerts, maintaining visibility and clarity.
XUNO v13.3.1618.3
10 May 2024
- Major Improvements
- Wonde Integration - Easy import student and parent data from any Wonde -enabled system
- Ability to add students in an event by Campus among schools with multiple campuses
- Deactivate parent account when the last child leaves
- Automatically records and shows the time of late arrivals when a teacher marks the rolls in Attendance module.
- Staff may now personalize pulse notifications by filtering out items that are not relevant to the role.
- Xuno now includes an option in the Integris import process to determine the current status of students, particularly those who have left.
- Staff members can now add incidents as they do on the Xuno website. Incident notifications to parents, other staff or predefined messaging groups are now sent immediately (if configured) when adding an incident on the Staff App, including SMS notifications to parents.
- Minor Improvements
- Exporting of the entire Incidents & Actions Summary Report
- Pagination to Incidents & Actions: List View showing the initial 100 rows of records and if require more data, you can easily navigate to the next page.
- Staff members can now download Event Form Reports for any event created by another staff member, as long as the user group permissions are configured correctly.
- Staff Information field is now added in the event forms.
- Parent Contacted merge field is now available in the Medical Incident Email Notification Text.
XUNO v13.3.1619.1
28 March 2024
- Minor Improvements
- Upgrade Xuno Payments to be PCI DSS SAQ-A Compliant.
- Update Search function in Events/Fees to allow exact search by form only.
- Update saving credit card form to use hosted fields.
- Exclude the students from PTI if they are not enrolled.
XUNO v13.3.1618.3
15 March 2024
- Minor improvements
- Update to the extraction of Emergency Contacts in Event Form Report.
- Enhancements to display news item to future parents in the parent portal if the news item is set to "Include future student/parent".
XUNO v13.3.1618.2
01 March 2024
- Major improvements
- School can set up Circumstances and Custom Alerts so that when user clicks on the icon or tag, it will open the linked Xuno page. For example, clicking on the medical alert icon will open the Student Medical page.
- School can set up Circumstances and Custom Alerts so that when user clicks on the icon or tag, it will open the linked Xuno page. For example, clicking on the medical alert icon will open the Student Medical page.
XUNO v13.3.1618.1
29 January 2024
- Major improvements
- Rich Text editor has been added to Events, Lesson Plans, Student Notes, Confidential Notes and Wellbeing Notes.
- School can choose to schedule the sending of Student Absences message. XUNO will send absence messages to students once a day at the specified time.
- XUNO will remember user's class selection in Dashboard - Classes tab. The same class list will show when the user navigates back to the Classes tab.
- For schools using XUNO as a SIS, auto generation of Codes when adding new student or staff in XUNO.
- When editing an incident that involved multiple students, staff can choose to copy the same edits to comments into the linked incidents.
- XUNO will import multiple EdVal timetables into one XUNO timetable.
- XUNO Medical Record form has been updated to include 5 new fields - Risk Level, Plan Expiry Date, Epipen Expiry Date, Dosage, and Frequency.
- Minor improvements
- The Victorian Suspension Information sheet has been updated with the latest version.
- New Attendance Reason code, 627, added to all Victorian schools.
XUNO v13.3.1617.1
18 January 2024
- Major improvements
- New "Calendar" tab added to staff's dashboard. Staff can now see their calendar items, classes, yard duties, scheduled programs, room & resource bookings, and school events in the calendar.
- New "Calendar" tab added to staff's dashboard. Staff can now see their calendar items, classes, yard duties, scheduled programs, room & resource bookings, and school events in the calendar.
XUNO v13.2.1616.1
21 November 2023
- Major improvements
- Staff can enter incidents, actions and achievements via the XUNO Staff app.
- Staff can select multiple classes for viewing on Classes UI.
- Teachers can choose to mark attendance for simultaneous classes on Attendance page.
- New dashboard alert on parent & student portal to show student merit points and achievements.
- XUNO browser tabs now show the page title to enhance navigation between tabs.
XUNO v13.1.1615.6
3 November 2023
- Major improvements
- Enhancements to attendance roll marking to record student's late arrival time.
- Minor improvements
- Improvements in saving of merit and demerit points in Incidents and Actions.
- Improvements in saving of merit and demerit points in Incidents and Actions.
XUNO v13.1.1615.5
1 November 2023
- Minor improvements
- Updates to Incidents & Actions reporting function to allow more than 30 fields to be included in the report.
- Improvements to new calendar item alert to direct notifications to users included in the permission group.
XUNO v13.1.1615.4
23 October 2023
- Major improvements
- New "PM Attendance List" report added to XUNO Additional Reports.
- Minor improvements
- Optimisation of Scheduled Attendance to update student attendances when a scheduled attendance is updated or deleted.
- Scheduled Programs' "clone" function will now copy all program details, including students and staff to the new scheduled program.
- Improved event approval and publishing confirmation messages.
- Adjustments to the display of NEW user icon in User Accounts page.
- Optimisation of Scheduled Attendance to update student attendances when a scheduled attendance is updated or deleted.
- Updates to the "Incidents & Actions: List View" filter selection page.
- Enhancements to the News items page in the parent portal so that families who have both Active and Future students are able to see published news items.
XUNO v13.1.1615.3
5 October 2023
- Major improvements
- Enhancements to allow staff to choose whether to send a News item to future students or parents.
- Enhancements to show Room & Resource Bookings in Room Timetables.
- Improvements to Incidents & Actions Summary Report to allow user to select which columns to include in the report.
- Minor improvements
- Optimisation of Event - Pin to Dashboard function.
- Update to Default Event Form template download function for new schools.
- Optimisation of date selection field on Student Timetable and Staff Timetable.
XUNO v13.1.1615.2
13 September 2023
- Minor improvements
- Enhancements to allow school to change the name of a Messaging Group created for messaging.
- Enhancements to allow staff to mark Parent Absence Reason that does not require further explanation as actioned.
- Update to Student Analysis Report to include new EAL VC data types.
- Enhancements to allow school to continue using the existing event approval process instead of switching to the new event approval chain process.
- Update to XUNO Family Code for WA Integris data import.
- Update to the display of NAPLAN data in the parent portal.
- Update to the Cases21 Monthly AM/PM report.
- Update to Parent Teacher Interview booking page.
- Improvements to VC XML data import function.
- Improvements to Roll Marking API for XUNO Staff app.
- Update to XUNO Push Notification function.
XUNO v13.1.1615.1
16 August 2023
- Major improvements
- Enhancements to event approval process to allow multiple staff to approve an event before publishing.
- Minor improvements
- Improvements to the Daily Org Teacher Allocation page to reduce the need for horizontal scroll bar.
- Improvements to incident SMS notification to send message to two parents.
- Update the Unapproved Absences Link merged field description.
XUNO v13.1.1614.3
2 August 2023
- Minor improvements
- Improvements to student search result list at kiosk sign-in.
- Improvements to Download All Uploaded File function on Mac OS.
- Improvements to display of student selection list in Events module.
- Improvements to display of Merit/Demerit selection list in Dashboard > Classes page.
XUNO v13.1.1614.2
10 July 2023
- Minor improvements
- Exporting incident/action data from graph view now includes incident details for individual records as well as summary data in CSV export.
- Improvements to display of Links photos in XUNO apps.
- Optimisation of fill down functionality in Markbook so that entire comment is copied to all records and save occurs on first attempt.
- Improvements to Transaction Report export so that when a parent pays for two students in a single event with Allow Receipt export set to "No", this setting is respected in both the report and the exported .txt file.
- Optimisation of Event Forms so that all recorded student medical details are shown when this option is included in a form.
- Optimisation of process of creating first link entry in School Links.
- Adjustment to text in XUNO portal to show 'News' in the School menu instead of 'School'.
XUNO v13.1.1614.1
20 June 2023
- Major improvements
- New SchoolHub tab that allows schools to add school-wide links to any URL and customise the buttons displaying each link. Links can be visible to staff, students, and/or parents.
- Minor improvements
- Improvements to Markbook functionality for marking classwork as completed.
- Optimisation of Markbook assessment rating selection window for small classes.
- Improvement to Events/Fees in the Parent Portal when parents elect to adjust student medical information from within the details page of an event.
- Learning Plan attachments can now have file names that include an apostrophe.
- Optimisation of roll marking from Classes tab.
- Improvement to automated messages associated with notes, incidents, etc. so that if a template contains a merge field where no data is recorded for a particular item, XUNO will not print the words "No data" and instead leave the text area blank.
- Adjustments to wording in parent/student welcome email.
- Further changes to prepare for integration of Student Maps and XUNO so that incident data can be automatically synced between platforms.
XUNO v13.1.1613.5
13 June 2023
- Minor improvements
- Schools can now hide rooms and resources they are no longer using so that selecting rooms and resources from booking pages and Daily Organisation is restricted to currently active items.
- Changes to prepare for integration with GradeXpert so that schools using XUNO and Student Maps or GradeXpert will be able to view attendance synced directly from XUNO in their maps.
- Improvements to integration of Edval Daily Org and XUNO so that casual and undecided type covers are displayed correctly.
- Optimisation of Parent Teacher Interview functionality so that all students are shown in combined classes.
- Improvements to import of contact and student data using XUNO's Custom Import option so that user accounts are always set to the correct status (enabled/disabled).
- Optimisation of Funnel integration so that 2024 enrolments are syncing correctly.
XUNO v13.1.1613.4
1 June 2023
- Minor improvements
- Optimisation of Events cloning process so that correct payment due date is maintained.
- Improvements to Enrolment summary page display for year levels without a number, e.g. Kinder and Transition.
- Improvements to default Staff group permissions to improve data security practices.
- Improvement to the student absence message when schools use the customised link merge field.
- Optimisation to display of images in News items and notifications.
- Improvements to XUNO Parent Portal so that all student Achievements are displayed.
- Optimisation of Resource booking functionality with respect to deleting bookings.
- Improvements to PDF print function for Event Form Report.
- Improvement to Publish Timetable function to ensure timetable is published with correct start date.
XUNO v13.1.1613.3
22 May 2023
Note: From this version on, all hosted schools have been upgraded to PHP 8.1
- Minor improvements
- Improvements to message display from group conversations.
- Optimisation of prospective enrolment page.
- Improvements to integration with Integris so that import and export are functioning correctly.
- Optimisation of room booking functionality.
- Improvements to suspension proforma printing.
- Improvement to staff personal details page display.
- Optimisation of attendance data export functionality.
- Optimisation of email alerts so that alerts function when messages contain emojis.
- Improvements to room booking display in Daily Organisation.
- Optimisation of endpoints for third party sync.
- Optimisation of event form download.
- Student analysis tool and Classes tab incidents now sort numerically as intended.
- Improvement to functionality of parents adding absence reasons via app or portal.
- Optimisation of display for PTI page for staff.
- Optimisation of timetable import process.
- Optimisation of resource management when adding a new resource via Lists & options.
- Improvement to weekly email so that correct week's information is included.
XUNO v13.1.1613.2 (PHP 8.1)
5 May 2023
- Minor improvements
- Improvements to Progress Reports to display of subject list in left hand menu panel.
- Optimisation to Markbook server storage.
- Optimisation of Accelerus-XUNO integration.
- Further additions to logging capability of XUNO to actions made on user accounts page.
- Improvements to Events/Fees display for parents so that payment button shows regardless of whether parental approval is required.
- Schools can now change the wording of menu items in the parent and student Portal.
XUNO v12.3.1612.17 (PHP 7.2)
5 May 2023
- Minor improvements
- Improvements to Progress Reports to display of subject list in left hand menu panel.
- Optimisation to Markbook server storage.
XUNO v12.3.1612.16
28 April 2023
- Minor improvements
Code optimisation for markbook attachments.
- Improvements to timetable generation for XUNO Basic Timetable when individual students are selected.
XUNO v12.3.1612.15
19 April 2023
- Minor improvements
- Optimisation of General Attendance Report so that Left students do not show if not selected.
- Update import process to accept EAL Pathway C Victorian Curriculum scores.
- Improvements to Events module so that student event forms are not duplicated when student numbers are numerical.
- Optimisations to system settings to prevent super admin user attempting to register to new CRM platform.
- Improvements to events cost page so that missing cost item issue does not occur.
- Minor improvements
XUNO v12.3.1612.14
6 April 2023
- Minor improvements
- Improvements to performance of Parent Portal.
- Improvements to ensure users can log in using their email address as username.
- Optimisation to new Knowledge Base integration with XUNO.
- Optimisation to custom student import to improve the way XUNO handles timetable records of inactive or left students.
- Optimisation to push notifications.
XUNO v12.3.1612.13
29 March 2023
- Major improvements
- XUNO Basic Timetable auto updater - for primary schools and other schools who only create timetables for the purpose of roll marking AM/PM, this feature can be enabled to automatically add new active students to classes overnight instead of having to manually add them. Click here to learn how to set it up.
- Minor improvements
- Security enhancements
- Update to Federal Address Collection export for 2023
- Improvements to Event/Fee payments and receipt exports
- Increase number of contacts shown when searching in XUNO
- Enhancements to automatic import of SAS2000 data
XUNO v12.3.1612.12
10 March 2023
- Minor improvements
- Optimisation of payment functionality in Events/Fees.
- Improvement to Kiosk Sign-in/Sign-out report to only shows active and registered kiosks for the school.
- Optimisation of Student Notes report to filtering by class functionality.
- Optimisation of filtering functionality in General Attendance Report.
- Improvements to display of Sent Messages Report so that records show in date decreasing order.
- Optimisation of PTI timeslot display to improve accuracy of time shown.
XUNO v12.3.1612.11
7 March 2023
- Minor improvements
- Implementation of advanced data field mapping for Funnel import and further optimisation to integration with Funnel.
- Removal of attendance code 900 as directed by changes to attendance codes at Dept. of Education, Victoria.
- Optimisation of Default Event Form printing.
- Security update to log all 2FA login attempts.
- Further optimisation of Progress Reports edit functionality.
XUNO v12.3.1612.10
1 March 2023
- Minor improvements
- Further security upgrades to login page.
- Optimisation to Progress Reports viewing.
XUNO v12.3.1612.9
20 February 2023
- Minor improvements
- Schools can turn off sign-in and/or sign-out pass printing options for XUNO Kiosk.
- Further improvements to default event form printing from Events.
XUNO v12.3.1612.8
15 February 2023
- Minor improvements
- Changes to the way blank permission slips are produced for Events, so that schools can more easily customise the formatting and content of these forms.
- Optimisation of PDF production from within an Incident.
XUNO v12.3.1612.7
13 February 2023
- Major improvements
- Integration now available with Flexischools, so that schools using both platforms can show parents a direct link in their XUNO Family App or Parent Poral to easily access Flexischools from XUNO.
- Minor improvements
- Further optimisations to logging abilities in XUNO to track actions for Parent Teacher Interviews.
- Improvements to GradeXpert integration to prepare for student photo sync between XUNO and GradeXpert.
- Schools can now see a report on future Parent Teacher Interviews that have been booked by going to Administration > Reports > Parent Teacher Interviews and using the dropdown menu to select 'Future Parent Teacher Interviews'.
XUNO v12.3.1612.6
6 February 2023
- Minor improvements
- If a school has revoked access to Events & Fees for parent groups, parents are now able to access the full calendar page.
- Improvements to Absence letter generation process.
- Optimisation to PDF printing for Incidents.
- Improvements to PTI booking for parents so that future classes appear the same as current classes.
XUNO v12.3.1612.5
25 January 2023
- Minor improvements
- Removal of attendance information in Parent portal and XUNO Family app for public schools in NT, as they will be using SAMS to record attendance, not XUNO.
- Improvements made to Kiosk for NT schools so that WCC details can be recorded - step 1 completed.
- Improvements made to Kiosk for NT schools so that WCC details can be recorded - step 1 completed.
XUNO v12.3.1612.4
19 January 2023
- Major improvements
- Improvements to logging function for attendances, achievements, enrolments, absence message template and asset management.
- Added new flag to allow school to turn on/off Working with Children Check and VIT Check when setting up kiosk.
- Minor improvements
- Added further consistency in the swipe right functionality in the Family App for the Dashboard.
XUNO v12.3.1612.3
13 January 2023
- Major improvements
- Schools can now import or export student, contact or staff custom fields in bulk.
- Minor improvements
- Improvements to logging capabilities so that creator and last editor are visible in both action log and on item itself for XUNO Calendar items.
- Alternate email field is now a hyperlink for quick access to email creation.
- Schools can now search for users in search box by alternate email address.
- If schools are not using integrated Student Maps or GradeXpert ILPs, they can choose to not display these menu items on staff dashboards.
- Further optimisation to eForms feature.