Release Notes

Information about updates in the latest version of XUNO.

XUNO v13.3.1620.1

12 July 2024

  • Major Improvements
    • Continuous Reporting - allows data from both Accelerus Continuous Reporting and Xuno Markbook items to be displayed on the Parent/Student Portal together, providing users with visibility and access to both.
  • Minor Improvements
    • Individual email Signatures - teachers can now add their own email signature in every email sent from Xuno. This can be added per user via Options > My Preferences > General > Email Settings.
    • Enforce SSO Login for New Users- provides the ability to enforce Single Sign-on (SSO) for new users, including staff members, parents and students. Administrators are no longer required to manually enable SSO for each user, as schools can enforce SSO by default by configuring this in Options > General Settings.
    • Overlapping Time Detection for Room Booking and Daily Org Staff Assignment - check for overlapping time periods in Room and Resource Booking as well as Daily Org. Xuno now displays warning message when overlap detected.
    • Default Recipient Deselection for News Item Creation - recipients are now deselected by default, preventing accidental distribution of news item to unnecessary recipients.
    • Add Campus Names for Schools with Multiple Locations- For schools with multiple campuses, Xuno now offers the ability to translate numeric campus identifiers from Cases21 data (or any other data source) into the school's preferred names, improving clarity and usability. To modify this, simply go to Options > List & Options > School > Campus Name.
    • Directly Link the Absence Reports to the Student Dashboard- Staff members can now open student profiles of any student when generating attendance reports by simply clicking on any student name in the Attendance Summary.
    • Color Coded Incident Types- Xuno enhances incident types by adding colored icons to improve visibility when displayed in Pulse Alert notifications.  All incidents are now also visible in Pulse, regardless of whether colors have been assigned to an incident type. To modify this, simply go to Options > List & Options > Incident Types. Xuno will now also hide the coloured dot when no color is selected or if the school prefers not to add one. This ensures that incident types still appear in Pulse alerts, maintaining visibility and clarity.

XUNO v13.3.1618.3

10 May 2024

  • Major Improvements
    • Wonde Integration - Easy import student and parent data from any Wonde -enabled system
    • Ability to add students in an event by Campus among schools with multiple campuses
    • Deactivate parent account when the last child leaves
    • Automatically records and shows the time of late arrivals when a teacher marks the rolls in Attendance module.
    • Staff may now personalize pulse notifications by filtering out items that are not relevant to the role.
    • Xuno now includes an option in the Integris import process to determine the current status of students, particularly those who have left.
    • Staff members can now add incidents as they do on the Xuno website. Incident notifications to parents, other staff or predefined messaging groups are now sent immediately (if configured) when adding an incident on the Staff App, including SMS notifications to parents.
  • Minor Improvements
    • Exporting of the entire Incidents & Actions Summary Report
    • Pagination to Incidents & Actions: List View showing the initial 100 rows of records and if require more data, you can easily navigate to the next page.
    • Staff members can now download Event Form Reports for any event created by another staff member, as long as the user group permissions are configured correctly.
    • Staff Information field is now added in the event forms.
    • Parent Contacted merge field is now available in the Medical Incident Email Notification Text.

XUNO v13.3.1619.1

28 March 2024

  • Minor Improvements
    • Upgrade Xuno Payments to be PCI DSS SAQ-A Compliant.
    • Update Search function in Events/Fees to allow exact search by form only.
    • Update saving credit card form to use hosted fields.
    • Exclude the students from PTI if they are not enrolled.


XUNO v13.3.1618.3

15 March 2024

  • Minor improvements
    • Update to the extraction of Emergency Contacts in Event Form Report.
    • Enhancements to display news item to future parents in the parent portal if the  news item is set to "Include future student/parent".


XUNO v13.3.1618.2

01 March 2024

  • Major improvements
    • School can set up Circumstances and Custom Alerts so that when user clicks on the icon or tag, it will open the linked Xuno page. For example, clicking on the medical alert icon will open the Student Medical page.

XUNO v13.3.1618.1

29 January 2024

  • Major improvements
    • Rich Text editor has been added to Events, Lesson Plans, Student Notes, Confidential Notes and Wellbeing Notes.
    • School can choose to schedule the sending of Student Absences message. XUNO will send absence messages to students once a day at the specified time.
    • XUNO will remember user's class selection in Dashboard - Classes tab. The same class list will show when the user navigates back to the Classes tab.
    • For schools using XUNO as a SIS, auto generation of Codes when adding new student or staff in XUNO.
    • When editing an incident that involved multiple students, staff can choose to copy the same edits to comments into the linked incidents.
    • XUNO will import multiple EdVal timetables into one XUNO timetable.
    • XUNO Medical Record form has been updated to include 5 new fields - Risk Level, Plan Expiry Date,  Epipen Expiry Date, Dosage, and Frequency.
  • Minor improvements
    • The Victorian Suspension Information sheet has been updated with the latest version.
    • New Attendance Reason code, 627, added to all Victorian schools.

XUNO v13.3.1617.1

18 January 2024

  • Major improvements
    • New "Calendar" tab added to staff's dashboard. Staff can now see their calendar items, classes, yard duties, scheduled programs, room & resource bookings, and school events in the calendar.

XUNO v13.2.1616.1

21 November 2023

  • Major improvements
    • Staff can enter incidents, actions and achievements via the XUNO Staff app.
    • Staff can select multiple classes for viewing on Classes UI.
    • Teachers can choose to mark attendance for simultaneous classes on Attendance page.
    • New dashboard alert on parent & student portal to show student merit points and achievements.
    • XUNO browser tabs now show the page title to enhance navigation between tabs.

XUNO v13.1.1615.6

3 November 2023

  • Major improvements
    • Enhancements to attendance roll marking to record student's late arrival time.
  • Minor improvements
    • Improvements in saving of merit and demerit points in Incidents and Actions.

XUNO v13.1.1615.5

1 November 2023

  • Minor improvements
    • Updates to Incidents & Actions reporting function to allow more than 30 fields to be included in the report.
    • Improvements to new calendar item alert to direct notifications to users included in the permission group.

XUNO v13.1.1615.4

23 October 2023

  • Major improvements
    • New "PM Attendance List" report added to XUNO Additional Reports.
  • Minor improvements
    • Optimisation of Scheduled Attendance to update student attendances when a scheduled attendance is updated or deleted.
    • Scheduled Programs' "clone" function will now copy all program details, including students and staff to the new scheduled program.
    • Improved event approval and publishing confirmation messages.
    • Adjustments to the display of NEW user icon in User Accounts page.
    • Optimisation of Scheduled Attendance to update student attendances when a scheduled attendance is updated or deleted.
    • Updates to the "Incidents & Actions: List View" filter selection page.
    • Enhancements to the News items page in the parent portal so that families who have both Active and Future students are able to see published news items.

XUNO v13.1.1615.3

5 October 2023

  • Major improvements
    • Enhancements to allow staff to choose whether to send a News item to future students or parents.
    • Enhancements to show Room & Resource Bookings in Room Timetables.
    • Improvements to Incidents & Actions Summary Report to allow user to select which columns to include in the report.
  • Minor improvements
    • Optimisation of Event - Pin to Dashboard function.
    • Update to Default Event Form template download function for new schools.
    • Optimisation of date selection field on Student Timetable and Staff Timetable.

XUNO v13.1.1615.2

13 September 2023

  • Minor improvements
    • Enhancements to allow school to change the name of a Messaging Group created for messaging.
    • Enhancements to allow staff to mark Parent Absence Reason that does not require further explanation as actioned.
    • Update to Student Analysis Report to include new EAL VC data types.
    • Enhancements to allow school to continue using the existing event approval process instead of switching to the new event approval chain process.
    • Update to XUNO Family Code for WA Integris data import.
    • Update to the display of NAPLAN data in the parent portal. 
    • Update to the Cases21 Monthly AM/PM report.
    • Update to Parent Teacher Interview booking page.
    • Improvements to VC XML data import function.
    • Improvements to Roll Marking API for XUNO Staff app.
    • Update to XUNO Push Notification function. 


    XUNO v13.1.1615.1

    16 August 2023

    • Major improvements
      • Enhancements to event approval process to allow multiple staff to approve an event before publishing.
    • Minor improvements
      • Improvements to the Daily Org Teacher Allocation page to reduce the need for horizontal scroll bar.
      • Improvements to incident SMS notification to send message to two parents.
      • Update the Unapproved Absences Link merged field description.

    XUNO v13.1.1614.3
    2 August 2023

    • Minor improvements
      • Improvements to student search result list at kiosk sign-in.
      • Improvements to Download All Uploaded File function on Mac OS.
      • Improvements to display of student selection list in Events module.
      • Improvements to display of Merit/Demerit selection list in Dashboard > Classes page.

    XUNO v13.1.1614.2
    10 July 2023

    • Minor improvements
      • Exporting incident/action data from graph view now includes incident details for individual records as well as summary data in CSV export.
      • Improvements to display of Links photos in XUNO apps.
      • Optimisation of fill down functionality in Markbook so that entire comment is copied to all records and save occurs on first attempt.
      • Improvements to Transaction Report export so that when a parent pays for two students in a single event with Allow Receipt export set to "No", this setting is respected in both the report and the exported .txt file.
      • Optimisation of Event Forms so that all recorded student medical details are shown when this option is included in a form.
      • Optimisation of process of creating first link entry in School Links.
      • Adjustment to text in XUNO portal to show 'News' in the School menu instead of 'School'.


    XUNO v13.1.1614.1
    20 June 2023

    • Major improvements
      • New SchoolHub tab that allows schools to add school-wide links to any URL and customise the buttons displaying each link. Links can be visible to staff, students, and/or parents.
    • Minor improvements
      • Improvements to Markbook functionality for marking classwork as completed.
      • Optimisation of Markbook assessment rating selection window for small classes.
      • Improvement to Events/Fees in the Parent Portal when parents elect to adjust student medical information from within the details page of an event.
      • Learning Plan attachments can now have file names that include an apostrophe.
      • Optimisation of roll marking from Classes tab.
      • Improvement to automated messages associated with notes, incidents, etc. so that if a template contains a merge field where no data is recorded for a particular item, XUNO will not print the words "No data" and instead leave the text area blank.
      • Adjustments to wording in parent/student welcome email.
      • Further changes to prepare for integration of Student Maps and XUNO so that incident data can be automatically synced between platforms.


    XUNO v13.1.1613.5
    13 June 2023

    • Minor improvements
      • Schools can now hide rooms and resources they are no longer using so that selecting rooms and resources from booking pages and Daily Organisation is restricted to currently active items.
      • Changes to prepare for integration with GradeXpert so that schools using XUNO and Student Maps or GradeXpert will be able to view attendance synced directly from XUNO in their maps.
      • Improvements to integration of Edval Daily Org and XUNO so that casual and undecided type covers are displayed correctly.
      • Optimisation of Parent Teacher Interview functionality so that all students are shown in combined classes.
      • Improvements to import of contact and student data using XUNO's Custom Import option so that user accounts are always set to the correct status (enabled/disabled).
      • Optimisation of Funnel integration so that 2024 enrolments are syncing correctly.


    XUNO v13.1.1613.4
    1 June 2023

    • Minor improvements
      • Optimisation of Events cloning process so that correct payment due date is maintained.
      • Improvements to Enrolment summary page display for year levels without a number, e.g. Kinder and Transition.
      • Improvements to default Staff group permissions to improve data security practices.
      • Improvement to the student absence message when schools use the customised link merge field.
      • Optimisation to display of images in News items and notifications.
      • Improvements to XUNO Parent Portal so that all student Achievements are displayed.
      • Optimisation of Resource booking functionality with respect to deleting bookings.
      • Improvements to PDF print function for Event Form Report.
      • Improvement to Publish Timetable function to ensure timetable is published with correct start date.


    XUNO v13.1.1613.3
    22 May 2023

    Note: From this version on, all hosted schools have been upgraded to PHP 8.1

    • Minor improvements
      • Improvements to message display from group conversations.
      • Optimisation of prospective enrolment page.
      • Improvements to integration with Integris so that import and export are functioning correctly.
      • Optimisation of room booking functionality.
      • Improvements to suspension proforma printing.
      • Improvement to staff personal details page display.
      • Optimisation of attendance data export functionality.
      • Optimisation of email alerts so that alerts function when messages contain emojis.
      • Improvements to room booking display in Daily Organisation.
      • Optimisation of endpoints for third party sync.
      • Optimisation of event form download.
      • Student analysis tool and Classes tab incidents now sort numerically as intended.
      • Improvement to functionality of parents adding absence reasons via app or portal.
      • Optimisation of display for PTI page for staff.
      • Optimisation of timetable import process.
      • Optimisation of resource management when adding a new resource via Lists & options.
      • Improvement to weekly email so that correct week's information is included.


    XUNO v13.1.1613.2 (PHP 8.1)
    5 May 2023

    • Minor improvements
      • Improvements to Progress Reports to display of subject list in left hand menu panel.
      • Optimisation to Markbook server storage.
      • Optimisation of Accelerus-XUNO integration.
      • Further additions to logging capability of XUNO to actions made on user accounts page.
      • Improvements to Events/Fees display for parents so that payment button shows regardless of whether parental approval is required.
      • Schools can now change the wording of menu items in the parent and student Portal.


    XUNO v12.3.1612.17 (PHP 7.2)
    5 May 2023

    • Minor improvements
      • Improvements to Progress Reports to display of subject list in left hand menu panel.
      • Optimisation to Markbook server storage.


    XUNO v12.3.1612.16
    28 April 2023

    • Minor improvements
      • Code optimisation for markbook attachments.
      • Improvements to timetable generation for XUNO Basic Timetable when individual students are selected.

    XUNO v12.3.1612.15
    19 April 2023

      • Minor improvements
        • Optimisation of General Attendance Report so that Left students do not show if not selected.
        • Update import process to accept EAL Pathway C Victorian Curriculum scores.
        • Improvements to Events module so that student event forms are not duplicated when student numbers are numerical.
        • Optimisations to system settings to prevent super admin user attempting to register to new CRM platform.
        • Improvements to events cost page so that missing cost item issue does not occur.


    XUNO v12.3.1612.14
    6 April 2023

    • Minor improvements
      • Improvements to performance of Parent Portal.
      • Improvements to ensure users can log in using their email address as username.
      • Optimisation to new Knowledge Base integration with XUNO.
      • Optimisation to custom student import to improve the way XUNO handles timetable records of inactive or left students.
      • Optimisation to push notifications.


    XUNO v12.3.1612.13
    29 March 2023

    • Major improvements
      • XUNO Basic Timetable auto updater - for primary schools and other schools who only create timetables for the purpose of roll marking AM/PM, this feature can be enabled to automatically add new active students to classes overnight instead of having to manually add them. Click here to learn how to set it up.
    • Minor improvements
      • Security enhancements
      • Update to Federal Address Collection export for 2023
      • Improvements to Event/Fee payments and receipt exports
      • Increase number of contacts shown when searching in XUNO
      • Enhancements to automatic import of SAS2000 data


    XUNO v12.3.1612.12
    10 March 2023

    • Minor improvements
      • Optimisation of payment functionality in Events/Fees.
      • Improvement to Kiosk Sign-in/Sign-out report to only shows active and registered kiosks for the school.
      • Optimisation of Student Notes report to filtering by class functionality.
      • Optimisation of filtering functionality in General Attendance Report.
      • Improvements to display of Sent Messages Report so that records show in date decreasing order.
      • Optimisation of PTI timeslot display to improve accuracy of time shown.


    XUNO v12.3.1612.11
    7 March 2023

    • Minor improvements
      • Implementation of advanced data field mapping for Funnel import and further optimisation to integration with Funnel.
      • Removal of attendance code 900 as directed by changes to attendance codes at Dept. of Education, Victoria.
      • Optimisation of Default Event Form printing.
      • Security update to log all 2FA login attempts.
      • Further optimisation of Progress Reports edit functionality.


    XUNO v12.3.1612.10
    1 March 2023

    • Minor improvements
      • Further security upgrades to login page.
      • Optimisation to Progress Reports viewing.


    XUNO v12.3.1612.9
    20 February 2023

    • Minor improvements
      • Schools can turn off sign-in and/or sign-out pass printing options for XUNO Kiosk.
      • Further improvements to default event form printing from Events.


    XUNO v12.3.1612.8
    15 February 2023

    • Minor improvements
      • Changes to the way blank permission slips are produced for Events, so that schools can more easily customise the formatting and content of these forms.
      • Optimisation of PDF production from within an Incident.


    XUNO v12.3.1612.7
    13 February 2023

    • Major improvements
      • Integration now available with Flexischools, so that schools using both platforms can show parents a direct link in their XUNO Family App or Parent Poral to easily access Flexischools from XUNO.
    • Minor improvements
      • Further optimisations to logging abilities in XUNO to track actions for Parent Teacher Interviews.
      • Improvements to GradeXpert integration to prepare for student photo sync between XUNO and GradeXpert.
      • Schools can now see a report on future Parent Teacher Interviews that have been booked by going to Administration > Reports > Parent Teacher Interviews and using the dropdown menu to select 'Future Parent Teacher Interviews'.


    XUNO v12.3.1612.6
    6 February 2023

    • Minor improvements
      • If a school has revoked access to Events & Fees for parent groups, parents are now able to access the full calendar page.
      • Improvements to Absence letter generation process.
      • Optimisation to PDF printing for Incidents.
      • Improvements to PTI booking for parents so that future classes appear the same as current classes.


    XUNO v12.3.1612.5
    25 January 2023

    • Minor improvements
      • Removal of attendance information in Parent portal and XUNO Family app for public schools in NT, as they will be using SAMS to record attendance, not XUNO.
      • Improvements made to Kiosk for NT schools so that WCC details can be recorded - step 1 completed.

    XUNO v12.3.1612.4
    19 January 2023

    • Major improvements
      • Improvements to logging function for attendances, achievements, enrolments, absence message template and asset management.
      • Added new flag to allow school to turn on/off Working with Children Check and VIT Check when setting up kiosk. 
    • Minor improvements
      • Added further consistency in the swipe right functionality in the Family App for the Dashboard.


    XUNO v12.3.1612.3
    13 January 2023

    • Major improvements
      • Schools can now import or export student, contact or staff custom fields in bulk.
    • Minor improvements
      • Improvements to logging capabilities so that creator and last editor are visible in both action log and on item itself for XUNO Calendar items.
      • Alternate email field is now a hyperlink for quick access to email creation.
      • Schools can now search for users in search box by alternate email address.
      • If schools are not using integrated Student Maps or GradeXpert ILPs, they can choose to not display these menu items on staff dashboards.
      • Further optimisation to eForms feature.


    XUNO v12.3.1612.2
    21 December 2022

    • Minor improvements
      • Improvements to specificity of information logged when user login fails to include reason for failure.
      • Adjustments so that student preferred name is shown exactly as typed without case correction.
      • Optimisation of Parent Teacher Interviews so that future timetables can be included in sessions.
      • Further improvements to alternate email for login feature so that admin users can edit or add alternate emails via XUNO UI.
      • Security of student profile photo display strengthened further.


    XUNO v12.3.1612.1
    15 December 2022

    • Major improvements
      • When creating incidents, actions, student notes and achievements, you can now search for additional students to add by any part of their given or family name. This is especially useful for large schools, to make it easier to find the correct student record.


    • Minor improvements
      • Improvements to the process of importing students from an Integris report into XUNO for WA schools.
      • Sent message actions are logged in the User Action log.
      • Optimisation of file attachment when creating Notes or Confidential Notes for multiple students at once


    XUNO v12.3.1611.2
    8 December 2022

    • Major improvements
      • Staff, students and parents/carers can now have an alternative email address to use for signing in to XUNO. This means that schools using school-specific email addresses as their main XUNO email addresses can still use Microsoft or Google SSO for sign-in.


    • Minor improvements
      • If a school is not using XUNO or Accelerus for Continuous Reporting, they can remove the purple Assessment task and Assignment buttons from the parent and student portal and the XUNO Family app.
      • Performance optimisation on parent absence reason report page.
      • Classes tab no longer labelled as beta feature on dashboard.
      • On staff dashboard, some left menu items (Accelerus Reports, Student Maps, Individual Learning Plans, Progress Reports and Scheduled Programs) now open in a new tab to improve navigation.
      • Change to wording in user accounts table (Last Login column) to reflect the fact that XUNO logs both browser and app logins.
      • Improvements to security on password reset page to prevent bots being able to run scripts on this page.

    XUNO v12.3.1611.1
    23 November 2022

    • Major improvements
      • In V2 of the staff dashboard, the left menu has been rearranged with a fresh new look. Menu options are now arranged in three sections, with communication and timetable tools at the top, then options related to your classes in the second section, and personal information in the third section.
      • In V2 of the staff dashboard, clicking on Attendance, Lesson Plans, Markbook or Progress Reports will automatically take you to information related to your current timetabled class, so that you can quickly navigate to the information you need at the time.
    • Minor improvements
      • Administrators can now remove permission to access to Events and Fees from any staff user account, if desired.
      • Accelerus is now accessed by a link in the staff dashboard left menu, and the link in the top header bar has been removed.
      • Expansion of data available via XUNO API endpoints.

    XUNO v12.3.1610.7
    15 November 2022

    • Minor improvements
      • Further improvements to logging of user actions to add more action types logged.
      • Improvements to XUNO display on Safari for Calendar navigation.
      • Optimisation of new decline feature for events/fees.

    XUNO v12.3.1610.6
    10 November 2022

    • Minor improvements
      • Schools can now view historical class lists in full. Go to School > Timetable & Rooms > Class Lists & Changes, select a date and class, then tick the 'Display left students' checkbox to see all students enrolled in that class.
      • Further optimisations to improve integration with Integris for schools in WA, so that attendance data will be able to be exported from XUNO in the correct format for Integris.
      • Improvements to display of student academic reports so they are shown in reverse chronological order.
      • Optimisation of display of event/fee dates on XUNO calendars, so that parents can see payment, approval and due dates, and so that only due dates show for fees, not start and end dates.
      • Improvements to database events table to record id of user approving the event.
      • Optimisation of EdVal Daily Org sync functionality, so that room changes are more clearly displayed.
      • Improvements to XUNO Family App display, so that pinned events/fees are shown at the very top of the dashboard.
      • Improvements to parent portal so that parents can access events and fees from the full calendar page.
      • Optimisation of eForm feature to improve download capability for completed eForms.
      • Optimisation of Received SMS Messages report to display new messages without delay.
      • Improvements to the way the Schedule widget displays calendar item names.

    XUNO v12.3.1610.5
    3 November 2022

    • Minor improvements
      • Logging of changes to student notes, achievements, career plans, learning plans, confidential notes and medical records now available.
      • Improved communication to school when parents request changes to contact details - when making a payment, parents can adjust their address. The school will receive an email that includes the changes, along with the parent's name, username, and a link to their profile on XUNO. When updating details through the portal at School > Contact Details, the school will receive an email that additionally includes student code, to distinguish between students with the same name at the school.
      • Optimisation to Prepare Timetable process, so that when preparing the timetable for individual students, student codes are listed alongside student names, to provide clarity where schools may have students with the same name.
      • Changes to wording in Enrolments menu item.
      • Wording changes in Attendance & Timetable Settings page to reflect that absence messages can be either SMS or internal message.
      • Improved the Incident & Actions (List View) report so that students with the same name are separated by student code.
      • Improvements to the way XUNO handles files with '&' in the filename - filename and file type are displayed correctly on download.
      • Optimisation to CSV export of Event Form report for student name and student code columns.
      • Adjustment to wording in the My Preferences page to improve clarity of Student Filter setting.
      • The Merit/Demerit report now displays all students if schools wish to display those with 0 points alongside all other students.

    XUNO v12.3.1610.4
    19 October 2022

    • Major improvements
      • Parents now have the ability to decline events and fees. If a school has allowed this option, a parent can decline their child's participation in an event or fee, so that it no longer shows up in their XUNO portal or app. See here for an article on how to use this new feature, or here for an article that parents can use to guide them through the process.
      • Improvements to the user experience for schools using XUNO and Accelerus. Staff can now click the Manage Reports option in the left hand menu of their dashboard to access reports in Accelerus. Navigating between XUNO and Accelerus is simpler, and we have made improvements to the interfaced to unify the visual experience for users of both platforms.
    • Minor improvements
      • Logging of changes to parent correspondence and report settings is now available.
      • Staff can now see names of students attending Scheduled Programs in their timetable, in addition to student codes.
      • Staff can now see student code and parent approval when accessing the Event Payment Report.
      • When adding individual students to an Event, the student's form is now displayed to help distinguish between students with the same name.
      • Improvements to the user experience for parents editing a voluntary payment to zero.
      • Optimisation of Lesson Plans functionality so that future dates can be chosen.
      • Improvements to autoimport process for data coming from EduHub.
      • Improvements to the display of recipients shown in the Send a Message page.

    XUNO v12.3.1610.3
    6 October 2022

    • Minor improvements
      • Implementation of automated sync process for LDAP data for schools hosting XUNO on premise.
      • Optimisation to display of new My Links widget.
      • Optimisation of new alert feature when a student's attendance has been previously marked.
      • Further improvements to Funnel integration capability.

    XUNO v12.3.1610.2
    29 September 2022

    • Major improvements
      • Teachers will now get an alert if a student's attendance has already been marked by another person or at the kiosk.
      • Optimisations to prepare for the new student enrolment function and change the 'Enrolment History' menu option on the Student Dashboard to 'Student History'.
    • Minor improvements
      • Improvements to the display of period dots in Received SMS Messages view.
      • Improvements to the display of ATSI Circumstances alerts in Class View.
      • Optimisation of Student Absences Report.
      • Improvements to the display of assessment score selection list in Markbook.
      • Improvements to the display of Calendar items to parents and students.
      • Further refinements to News so that News items for parents are functioning correctly when All Forms, All Year Levels and All Classes are selected.
      • Resolve News editing issue when a school name contains an apostrophe.

    XUNO v12.3.1610.1
    19 September 2022

    • Major improvements
      • Schools can now choose to add the XUNO Custom Email Branding add-on to their subscription, which allows them to create customised headers and footers for emails sent via XUNO, as well as create their own templates for Welcome emails for staff, students and parents/guardians, and password reset emails.
      • Schools can now choose to add the XUNO eForms add-on to their subscription. This allows them to create customised eForms that can be shared publicly to non-XUNO users - perfect for Contact Us forms, surveys, or other methods of collecting data from people who are not current XUNO users at the school. eForms can be shared by URL link or embedded into a web page. XUNO eForms are automatically stored within XUNO.
    • Minor improvements
      • Optimisation of XUNO Family app display to match the settings in the Parent Portal.
      • Refinements to Events & Fees Students tab display to improve appearance.

    XUNO v12.3.1609.6
    15 September 2022

    • Major improvements
      • If students are attending an Event, such as an excursion or incursion, or are enrolled in a Scheduled Program, these details will appear on the student's Dashboard so staff can easily see where they are at any given time during the day. Events will appear in a purple box, and Scheduled Programs with an orange dot, so that they stand out from the usual timetabled items.
      • New My Links widget. Staff can easily see and access their external links on a widget on their Dashboard. To edit My Links, go to the link icon in the top right of your XUNO screen (next to the bell icon) and click the Add button.
    • Minor improvements
      • Schools can now add additional cost items to individual students within an Event or Fee even after payments have been made within that Event/Fee.
      • Additional user actions associated with Markbook and News functionality added to log.
      • Further optimisations to EdVal Daily Organisation sync with XUNO Daily Organisation page.
      • Further development for Funnel integration with XUNO.
      • Improvements to display of Dashboard widgets to laptops so that first column does not take up entire screen at some resolutions.
      • Refinements to Widget Settings so that widget display/hide functionality works correctly.
      • In the General Attendance Report, when Attendance Statistics is selected, the Present checkbox is automatically ticked. This ensures that statistics for attendance percentages are meaningful.
      • Optimised display of time in XUNO for Received SMS Messages page so that school timezone is respected.
      • Further refinements to prepare for Kiosk App update, whereby schools can record student collection details.

    XUNO v12.3.1609.5
    8 September 2022

    • Minor improvements
      • XUNO now allows reports to display data from dates up to two years into the future. This is very useful for the Scheduled Attendance Report in particular, where schools can now see the upcoming two years, in order to keep track of students planning on taking time away from school in advance.
      • Optimisations to prepare for updates to XUNO Kiosk App, whereby schools can record student collection details.
      • Further refinements to data import from OneSchool so that siblings are imported with correct details.
      • Improvements to the display of any messages sent to parents on Student Attendance page - now, this will display correctly even if schools only have one period per day in their timetable.
      • Optimisation to the way that the Students page in Events/Fees handles whether Primary, Secondary or both families are able to view that Event or Fee.
      • Refinements so that free periods are displayed correctly in both Class View and Attendance pages on staff Dashboards.
      • Further improvements to recurring calendar item functionality.
      • Further refinements to the Class View functionality so that Circumstances and Custom Alerts are filtered correctly when multiple options are chosen for filtering.
      • The Student Analysis Tool report been optimised to correctly display Assessment report for VCEW.
      • Parent Absence reasons are now only shown as alerts if they pertain to the last 30 days to improve performance and loading of the staff Dashboard.
      • Refinements to News so that News items for forms including future students are functioning correctly.
      • The NAPLAN, VC, OD report been optimised to correctly display VCEW data.

    XUNO v12.3.1609.4
    1 September 2022

    • Major improvements
      • WA schools can now export their attendance data to a file compatible with Integris' import requirements. Go to Administration > Attendance > Export Attendance and select the applicable option from the Export to dropdown menu. This functionality is only available to schools based in WA.
    • Minor improvements
      • Further optimisations to improve functionality of XUNO Class View so that widgets and checkboxes behave consistently.

    XUNO v12.3.1609.3
    30 August 2022

    • Minor improvements
      • Improvement of Transaction Report to display correct amounts when there are two or more payments for a family within the one transaction.
      • Improvement of recurring Calendar item functionality so that users are required to enter an end date.

    XUNO v12.2.1609.2
    29 August 2022

    • Minor improvements
      • Optimisation of Calendar performance speed.

    XUNO v12.3.1609.1
    26 August 2022

    • Major improvements
      • Schools can now create recurring Calendar items. XUNO allows creation of calendar items that will repeat daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly or even annually. You can also create alerts so that staff or parents are notified of upcoming recurring events.
      • Schools based in WA can now extract a WA Student Census Report for the WA Department of Education, at Options > Software Settings > Import & Export Data.
    • Minor improvements
      • Additions to the data that XUNO logs so that schools can see details on actions that users have taken in XUNO. Admin users can see these logs at Options > Help & Options > Troubleshoot & Maintenance > User Actions.
      • XUNO's class dashboard now has a Lesson Plan widget so that staff can create, access and edit Lesson Plans with ease. Access the class dashboard from your XUNO Dashboard using the Classes option on the left-hand menu.
      • Optimisation of performance when cloning Events/Fees.
      • Optimisation of performance when adding students to Events/Fees.
      • Improvement to Incidents & Actions graphs to incident count display functionality.
      • Improvement to functionality of Events with Forms so that unpublishing and republishing an event when parents have already entered form data does not adversely affect the Event From Report.
      • Optimisation of CSV export of User Action Log to display all characters correctly.
      • Further refinements to menu display and behaviour in the XUNO Class View.
      • Improvements to the display of period dots in Class View and Attendance screens so that hidden periods are not shown.
      • Refinements to Class View to show all data related to Kiosk sign-in/sign-out.
      • Previously, when parents needed to approve more than one Event/Fee in a row, they needed to wait an allotted amount of time to receive a second SMS code. This has now been improved to increase ease of use for parents, so that subsequent codes will be sent almost immediately after an initial one.
      • Further changes to facilitate integration with Funnel.

    XUNO v12.2.1608.6
    18 August 2022

    • Minor improvements
      • Visitors to the school can now indicate that they are visiting a CRT in the XUNO Kiosk.
      • Wording change to XUNO Parent Portal for clarity and continuity with permissions - 'Events, Camps & Excursions' menu is now titled 'Events, Fees & Forms'.
      • XUNO will now let schools know before they approve an Event or Fee that changes cannot be made to any associated forms after they proceed.
      • XUNO now logs details associated with Incident/Action creation and modification in the Action Logs (Available at Options > Help & Options > Troubleshoot & Maintenance > User Actions).
      • Optimisation to Early Departure attendance marking to ensure all future periods are marked when this option is selected.
      • Improvements to Event form downloading.
      • Improvements to Sent Messages report so that non-breaking spaces are displayed correctly.
      • Refinements to Export of Federal Census Reports to eradicate possibility of duplicate entries.
      • Parent Teacher Interview bookings on Staff Dashboard now show fields for comments, translator request details and online meeting requests even if these are not enabled for parents.
      • Implemented a maximum column width on Student Incident table display so that very long column titles do not take up disproportionate space.
      • Improvements to Class View display where multiple period dots could sometimes overlap column borders to remove this possibility.
      • Optimisation of display of Events/Fees to Secondary families where they do not have permission to approve or pay.
      • Improvements to Event/Fee creation so that payments are assigned to the correct family(ies) according to the Student's setting for whoever has Event/Fee approval/payment permission.
      • Optimisation of Transaction Report so that all Direct Debit payments are assigned the correct flag for allowing receipt export.
      • Improvements to Event/Fee display to parents so that certain Events or Fees no longer show up as red when parents have completed all tasks associated with them.

    XUNO v12.2.1608.5
    11 August 2022

    • Minor improvements
      • Schools can now select whether or not to show a XUNO Event to parents and students in the School Events Calendar. This means that schools that populate their XUNO Calendar with the year's upcoming event dates will be able to elect not to have duplicate entries show up when the actual XUNO Event is created later. To access this selection, use the Yes/No choice at the bottom of the Details page in an Event.
      • XUNO will now allow saving of non-English characters in the Lists & Options section (Options > Software Settings > Lists & Options). This could be particularly useful when adding language options to the Translators section for Parent Teacher Interviews.
      • Parent Teacher Interview bookings on the teacher's Dashboard are now sortable by any column heading.
      • Further optimisations to Class View to improve attendance marking.

    XUNO v12.2.1608.4
    10 August 2022

    • Major improvements
      • Schools can now order their Attendance Types so that commonly used reasons appear at the top of the list in rolls. To use this feature, go to Options > Software Settings > Attendance & Timetable and scroll to the bottom of the page. Click on the Modify button next to Attendance Reasons. You can use the positional icons at the end of the rows to move attendance types up or down in the list to create an order that is most useful for your school.
    • Minor improvements
      • Further improvements to Class View so that teachers can select period to mark attendance, as well as other minor changes to improve attendance taking
      • Changes made to allow schools to export Medical data for students who have left the school.
      • Optimisations made to improve the process of cloning Events and Fees.
      • Improvements to the display of Schedule and Timetable widgets when multiple tags are shown (e.g. replacement classes, lesson plans).
      • Improvements to student status update process for schools not using CASES21.
      • Further Optimisations to new Parent Teacher Interview functionality (first implemented in v12.2.1608.1).
      • Refinements to Payments functionality so that the setting to allow receipt export is functioning correctly.
      • Further work to prepare XUNO for integration with Funnel.
      • Optimisation of CSV export functionality in Transactions Report to display all individual event/fee amounts paid.

    XUNO v12.2.1608.3
    1 August 2022

    • Minor improvements
      • Optimisation of attendance marking via XUNO Staff App, where timestamp is displayed accurately via UI.
      • Improvements to Kiosk so that students can sign out in all cases if the sign out approval checkbox is not checked.
      • Improvements to timetable generation so that if a student is not enrolled in a class, XUNO will not allow the Basic Timetable to be generated if that individual student is selected in the Students field.
      • Optimisation of Parent Teacher Interviews so that staff can book for students in multiple year levels if there are PTI slots created for different dates for each year level.
      • Improvements to Daily Organisation page display so that header row remains in correct place when scrolling down/up.
      • Improvements to Event Forms to allow parents to see submitted event form content.

    XUNO v12.2.1608.2
    27 July 2022

    • Minor improvements
      • Further work to prepare XUNO for integration with Funnel.
      • Staff can now elect to send a copy of the email to themselves when emailing parents using Events and Scheduled Programs.
      • Optimisation of Incident graphing feature.
      • Improvements to Parent Teacher Interviews feature for schools creating separate PTI periods for each Year Level so that teachers can see all their available classes in order to book interviews.
    XUNO v12.2.1608.1
    • Major improvements
      • New functionality in Parent Teacher Interview features - schools can now elect to allow parents to:
        • Request a translator for their interview - the list of available languages is fully customisable by the school.
        • Request an online interview.
        • Write comments that are then sent to the teacher by XUNO internal messaging.
      • Schools can now enter any time to begin and end their Parent Teacher Interview sessions.
    • Minor improvements
      • Optimisation to Full XUNO accessible via mobile browser for staff.
      • Further improvements to the new Class View screen (beta version).

    XUNO v12.2.1607.2
    21 July 2022

    • Minor improvements
      • Adjustment to photo uploading procedure to facilitate staff and student photo import for schools not in Victoria.
      • Improvement to email notification process for Notes.
      • Optimisation of data import from OneSchool.
      • Improvements to student timetables so that period times are displayed.

    XUNO v12.2.1607.1
    19 July 2022

    • Minor improvements
      • In Administration > Reports > Students or Staff, you can now include a column called Display Name, which shows the student or staff member's preferred name and family name in a single cell.
      • For Events or Fees that are pinned to the Student/Parent Dashboard, once a parent has completed all actionable items (approving the event, filling in any forms, and making payments), the pinned item will no longer be displayed for that parent.
      • Schools can now export a student's profile, including attendance information, incidents, and other data. This may be useful for backup purposes if a school is deleting a student record to avoid the risk of accidental deletion of an active student record. 
      • Changes to reduce likelihood of introducing problems when preparing the XUNO Basic Timetable - default option for adding new students to a class is now individual students, not form; schools now must confirm their intention to create a new timetable quilt.
      • Improvements to the performance of XUNO's Markbook feature.
      • Resolved an issue where some parents of students who had left the school were receiving email notifications.

    XUNO v12.2.1606.2 and v12.2.1606.3

    13 July 2022

    • Minor improvements
      • Fix EduHub synch issue.
      • Update to allow administrator to update student's Year level.
      • Update to Sending Welcome Email function to NOT send email to accounts that have been marked as disabled.
      • Fix User Audit Log issue.
      • Fix MySQL error on Staffing Preferences page.
      • Update to attendance marking issue when student sign-in/out via the kiosk. 
      • Fix the Student Summary Timetable display issue for school using secondary style timetable.
      • Fix broken attendance dots on roll marking page where teacher can see other periods of a student.

    XUNO v12.2.1606.1 
    8 July 2022

    • Major improvements
      • Update to timetable display to show student who has more than one class scheduled in the same timetable period.

      • Schools can now send emails in "rich text" format i.e. ability to change fonts, font sizes, bold, underline, italics, bulleted texts, etc.

    • Minor improvements
      • When downloading Markbook attachments that have been uploaded by students, handling of bulk downloading has been improved so that large files download and open with no issues.
      • If a school does not have SMS messaging set up in XUNO and tries to send SMSs via Events, this is made clear to the user so they know that SMSs have not been sent.
      • Allow schools to select “future” students by Forms when sending messages, news and adding students to an event.
      • Update to Send a Message report to ensure parents who has Correspondence set to No are not shown as Recipients in the report.
      • Improvement to database tables so that schools not using CASES do not have issues logging in as parents.
      • Confirmation message for parents making payments now displays amount in dollars and cents format, as opposed to whole dollars.
      • When instalment plans are set up by parents, the default date for the first instalment will be that day's date, rather than the payment due date. Subsequent instalments will be monthly from the first instalment date. Schools can still manually adjust instalment dates for individual students.
      • Update to Ticked Options dialog box on Events and Fees page and Scheduled Programs page.
      • Update to Calendar to only show Fee due date on the day that it is due on.
      • Update the calendar display pop up on Mark Attendance page.
      • Addition of a new merge field for Learning and Behaviour plans so that schools can now include the Plan Version Date in their templates.
      • Updates to merge fields for Achievement Awards template so that schools can now include these fields when setting up messaging template for teachers and parents.
      • Improvement to the XUNO Logs - User Actions page.
      • Update to the background colour of the XUNO Dashboard widgets.
      • Ability to create new Scheduled Programs in XUNO by CSV data import.
      • XUNO now supports import of Integris data for WA schools.
      • Update the auto-import process to ensure all contact details are imported into XUNO.
      • Ability to restrict student access to student Reports and NAPLAN, OD, VC Reports.
      • Add date filtering options for Next Week, Next Month to all pages where date filtering options are available.
      • Improvement to 2FA authentication features when user logs in to XUNO.
      • Update the Forget Password texts when user signs in for the first time via the portal.
      • Update to Room and Resource Booking to check for maximum advance booking window when creating a new room or resource booking.
      • Update to Room and Resource Booking to allow admin user to delete a booking created by another user.

    XUNO v12.2.1605.1
    24 June 2022

    • Major improvements
      • XUNO now syncs with EdVal Daily Organisation, so that all changes made in this EdVal module can be seamlessly shown in XUNO's Daily Organisation page, and disseminated to all staff via their Dashboard.
      • You can now merge old contact accounts into a new account, so that when a parent's family code changes due to a name change or other reason, prior message and payment data is merged to the new code.
    • Minor improvements
      • Improved clarity of error message if a parent sends a future absence note for a date with no current timetable. Additionally, if a parent sends a future absence note and the student has already been marked for that day, XUNO will now send an email to the school to prompt them to take action, including clear instructions about why the email has been sent.
      • Improvements to performance of XUNO Kiosk.
      • Improvements to file upload security.
      • Further refinement of Credit Card Transactions Payouts report so that refunds show in report.
      • In order to reduce the risk of schools inadvertently deleting attendance and other data when updating their timetable, XUNO now implements detailed warnings to let users know exactly what the outcome of a timetable adjustment will be before moving forward with the action.
      • Optimisation of payments creation in Events and Fees.
      • Improved handling of emojis in XUNO Wellbeing notes.
      • Improvements to refund process in Events and Fees so that once the full amount is refunded, the option to refund is no longer displayed for that student.
      • Improvements to printing/PDF export from Daily Organisation feature so that column headings are accurate.
      • Improvements to performance of XUNO Family App so that clicking on notifications takes users to the correct page in the app.
      • Parents will now see warning not to refresh page during processing of payments to reduce risk of duplicate transactions.

    XUNO v12.2.1604.1
    10 June 2022

    • Major improvements
      • Visitors can now sign out of the Kiosk by searching for their name/mobile/company
    • Minor improvements
      • Move easily between dates on the dashboard with the new unified calendar. Click here for more details.
      • Improvements to Event Form reports when printing to PDF or downloading CSV
      • Disabled the deletion of Timetable Quilts
      • Improvements to Credit Card payout report

    XUNO v12.2.1603.5
    6  June 2022

    • Minor improvements
      • Added confirmation pop up to payments via parent portal
      • Optimise adding student to Events with forms and payments
    XUNO v12.2.1603.3
    • Minor improvements
      • Adjustment to Credit Card Transactions Payouts Report so that student name and payment items display are consistent with prior format of report.

    XUNO v12.2.1603.1 and v12.2.1603.2
    1 June 2022

    • Minor improvements
      • Adjustment to Credit Card Transactions Payouts Report so that schools can now see double payments and refunds in this report.
      • Improvements to formatting when text is copied from within XUNO.
      • Improvements to EduHub sync
      • Removed link to deprecated feature (Fees & Levies). All schools should now be using Events & Fees to create fees/levies.
      • Scheduled Attendance comments field was restricted to 256 characters - now unlimited.
      • Continued implementation of background functionality to allow integration with Funnel and OneSchool
      • Improvements to Parent Portal Events/Fees functionality

    XUNO v12.2.1602.1
    13 May 2022

    • Major improvements
      • Improvements to Incident/Action/Student Notes notification settings page and process of sending SMS notifications to parents
      • We have started adding contextual help icons to Xuno, linking to useful articles and videos. This is an ongoing project
    • Minor improvements
      • Optimisation of data sorting on General Attendance Report

    XUNO v12.2.1601.1
    7 May 2022

    • Minor improvements
      • More students are now visible in main search area, making it easier to find students with commonly used Family Names.
      • Improvements to General Attendance Report sorting functionality.
      • Users can now send News items to individual Students and Parents, just like they can with Staff.

    XUNO v12.2.1600.7
    27 April 2022

    • Minor improvements
      • Updated printable Blank Permission Slip for when there is no cost for the event

    XUNO v12.2.1600.6
    26 April 2022

    • Minor improvements
      • Optimisation of Daily Organisation page
      • Optimisation of conversations logic
      • Improvements to payments reports and integration with PinPayments
      • Student's year level now shows in search list for Bulk Attendance and Scheduled Attendance
      • Improvements to functionality of Scheduled Attendance
      • Improved clarity in communications to parents about overdue payments and entering credit card details
      • Users can now send messages to primary and/or secondary family members via Events
      • Improvements to display of student attendance calendar

    XUNO v12.2.1600.5
    9 April 2022

    • Major improvements
      • Update of Class Dashboard: new quick links widget, UI updates, customised layout and more add ons.
      • Implementation of Funnel Integration with XUNO.
      • Addition of Custom Fields to student, family and staff Dashboard profile pages.
    • Minor improvements
      • Improved integration with SA Student Information System EdSAS.
      • Optimisation of Progress Reports functionality.
      • Allow sorting of teachers in Daily Organisation page.
      • Improvement to Federal reports.
      • Images now download inline rather than as an attachment.

    XUNO v12.2.1600.4
    22 March 2022

    • Major improvements
      • New Student Role option available in XUNO Incidents - see article here for details on utilisation.
      • New Master Timetable page added - view at School > Timetable & Rooms > Master Timetable.
      • Further improvements to optimise integration with OneSchool.
    • Minor improvements
      • Improvements to import, export and display of pre-foundation VC data.
      • Optimisation of parent and student view of timetables via XUNO Portal.
      • Schools can now click directly on student, staff and contact names in Reports to be redirected to the applicable staff or student Dashboard.
      • Parent Absence Reason and staff comments now visible by hovering over periods on Attendance pages to view information from earlier in the day.
      • Improvements to view on Daily Organisation page.
      • Updates to facilitate integration with Wonde.

    XUNO v12.2.1600.2
    21 February 2022

    • Major improvements
      • Further improvements to integration with OneSchool (Queensland Department of Education)
      • Performance and system optimisations
    • Minor improvements
      • Implementation of CASES21 attendance reason code 626 for all schools
      • Improvements to stability of XUNO Parent Portal
      • Improvements to user experience on login, date selection and adding external URL links to user menu
      • Optimisation of Attendance Report display
      • Optimisation of process to upload academic reports to XUNO
      • Fixed minor issue where Students could not be removed from Events/Fees

    XUNO v12.2.1600.1
    17 December 2021

    • Major improvements
      • Upgrade to the Staff User Interface
        • New Class Dashboard Phase 1: Pulse, News Items and Attendance widgets added, all operating in the context of a specific class
        • Refinements to the internal messages inbox
      • Updates to Kiosk functionality
        • Ability for visitors/contractors to sign in to the Kiosk, by searching by name, company or mobile number
        • Refinements to the sign out process
      • Improvements to the reporting ability of custom fields for Staff, Students and Contacts
      • Improvements to the log in process. 2FA is now enforced on any new device
      • Addition of ability to book PTIs for future students
      • Addition of ability to add lesson plans to Scheduled Programs
    • Minor improvements
      • Update to Student Analysis merge fields 
      • Kiosk VIT and WCC checks are now combined in one step
      • Update to logs so that groups that have received news items are recorded
      • Update so that when publishing Daily Organisation changes, the page remains in the Daily Organisation page
      • Refinements to the News item approval process
      • Refinements to the Events cancellation, deletion and data entry processes
      • Scheduled Programs calendar no longer appears on the Staff Calendar list
      • Addition of ability to export PDF and spreadsheet reports of Year Level, Home Group and House Enrolments
      • Improvements to Calendar date picker
      • Addition of ability to show School links in the mobile apps

    XUNO v12.1.1599.19

    • Major improvements
      • Schools can now select individual staff or staff groups to display News items to
      • Scheduled Programs can now be approved and published in bulk
    • Minor improvements
      • Refinements to upgraded features in Events and Fees module – improvements to transaction reports, display of payments to parents, and display of Events and Fees costs to the school
      • Further improvements to Events and Fees – display of student photos, improvements to display and sorting functionality.
      • Addition of new XUNO add-ons page to troubleshoot and maintenance page
      • Optimisation of information on Alerts widget relating to Parent Absence Reasons
      • Improvements to Calendar date picker
      • Improvements to integration with Timetabler Daily Org Sync

    XUNO v12.1.1599.18

    • Minor improvements
      • Improvements to timetable display in XUNO Family App

    XUNO v12.1.1599.17

    • Major improvements
      • Improvements to the Events & Fees module, including ability to approve and publish events and fees in bulk and ability to export receipts for all payments made through XUNO Payments or added manually. Click here for the new Events & Fees manual
      • Adjustments to EduHub attendance writeback to assist schools moving to XUNO Attendance mid-year
    • Minor improvements
      • Improvements to timetable display and functionality
      • Optimisation of attendance data export
      • Formatting improvements for News item hyperlinks
      • New ability added for staff to send message to all parents in class from the Dashboard
      • Schools can elect to display or hide individual lesson plans to parents and students in the XUNO portal
    XUNO v12.1.1599.16
    • Minor Improvements
      • Improvements to Incident and Action reporting - hidden incident/action types no longer appear in graphs or listings
      • Optimisation of Edval import query
      • Improvements to formatting, including font consistency and changing the 'hide/unhide' icon from a file to an eye icon
      • Improvements to Unmarked Classes Report and Parent Absence Reasons Report
      • Improved import of timetables from external timetabling software
      • School columns in Student Analysis Tool can now be inserted into email and letter templated as Merge fields
      • Select country/language when editing/creating students in SIS functionality
      • Optimise OneSchool import process
      • Clearly label voluntary payments in parent portal
    XUNO v12.1.1599.15
    • Minor Improvements
      • Improvements to attendance display
      • Improvements to contacts, staff and student reports
    XUNO v12.1.1599.14
    • Minor Improvements
      • Improved EduHub sync process
    XUNO v12.1.1599.13
    • Major improvements
      • Import staff and timetables for schools using OneSchool
      • Adaptations made to assist Victorian Government schools with compliance to payment request guidelines. Click here for the new Events & Fees manual.
      • Create bulk CSV files for adding payment requests / cost items 
    • Minor improvements
      • Append the word 'copy' to the title of a duplicated/cloned news item, to avoid confusion
      • Improved support communication tools within XUNO
      • Optimise student deletion process
      • Allow schools to manually add Doctor details for students
      • Improved room swap page
    XUNO v12.1.1599.12 release
    • Major improvements
      • Schools can assign custom icons in any colour to Custom Alerts (formerly known as XUNO Alerts) on student records. Click here for a video tutorial.
      • CASES Alerts or SIS Alerts now known as Circumstances, can also have custom icons assigned
      • New icon available for CSEF Applicant flag, which can be synchronised from eduHub, or added manually for non-eduHub schools
      • Added ability to import student and family contact data from QLD SIS OneSchool
      • New export of Scheduled Program attendance for importing into Accelerus for reports
    • Minor improvements
      • Speed optimisation of Upload Reports page
      • Updates to student data import and export fields
      • Additional logging of password reset requests (all account types)
      • Improvements to Progress Report printing from student/parent portal

    XUNO v12.1.1599.11 release

    • Minor improvements
      • Formatting improvements for forms when viewed on a small device
      • Improvements to staff messages display
      • Incident Type now displayed at the top of the screen when a new incident is added
    XUNO Family App iOS v2.1.15 release
    • Minor improvements
      • Users can now view mp4 videos within the app
    XUNO Family App Android v2.2.13 release
    • Minor improvements
      • Users can open MS Word documents (doc/docx) from within the app - must have a document viewer installed on device, such as MS Word

    Xuno v12.1.1599.10 release

    • Major improvements
      • Continuation of back end preparation for new integrated Library add on module - coming soon!
    • Minor improvements
      • Improved conversation view in Staff Messages page
      • Refinement of the deletion of student users
      • Update of class codes/subject code checks in Scheduled Programs
      • Improvements to email delivery from Actions
      • Improvements to Attendance STATS report
      • Enhancements to Web app performance
      • Increased functionality for custom fields
      • Improvements to API functionality for adding students/contacts and sending email.
      • Room swap function improvement
      • Creation of extra merge fields for doc templates
      • PDF rendering server upgrade
      • Improvements to export of attendance data
      • Refinement of Daily Organisation filter function
    Xuno v12.1.1599.9 release
    • Minor improvements
      • Updated EduHub sync processes

    Xuno v12.1.1599.8 release

    • Major improvements
      • Back end preparation for new integrated Library add on module - coming soon!
    • Minor improvements
      • Added student code view to STATS attendance report to make it easy to cross check data
      • Optimised messaging functionality from Student Absences Report page
      • Adjustments to new Cases21 imported fields
      • Optimised timetable for printing purposes
      • Optimised payments widget in Parent Portal
      • Optimised Cases21 invoice imports for Events and Fees
      • New level of permission where teachers of Scheduled Programs may only modify attendance
      • Added "Done" button to PTI interview booking page to improve user experience in Family app
      • Improved "Download all completed forms" feature in Events and Fees
      • Refunds now appear in Online Transactions Payouts Report.
      • Security enhancements

    Xuno v12.1.1599.7 release

    • Minor improvements
      • Improvement to all messaging and conversation pages, including loading time and display
      • Filtering on Incidents & Actions is now remembered after changing incident status to Closed
      • Improvements on beta functionality regarding timetabling and composite classes

    Xuno v12.1.1599.6 release

    • Minor improvements
      • Performance optimisation of the Staff messaging pages

    Xuno v12.1.1599.5 release

    • Minor improvements
      • Display and speed optimisations on Instant Messaging and Student Absence Report pages

    Xuno v12.1.1599.4 release

    • Minor improvements
      • Optimised the loading speed of Student Absences Report
      • Improved view of IM conversations in parent and student portal
      • Performance optimisations

    Xuno v12.1.1599.3 release

    • Minor improvements
      • All improvements from 11.4.1597.19
      • Security enhancements
      • Optimised display of new student information
      • Added link to login page to view school Login Disclaimer

    Xuno v11.4.1597.19 release

    • Minor improvements
      • Filter by Student status (Active, Future, Left, etc) in attendance reports
      • Password policy now requires at least 8 characters including numbers and special characters.
      • Improved Scheduled Program management
      • Optimised of staff dashboard
      • Security

    Xuno v12.1.1599.1 release

    • Major improvements
      • New pop-up confirming that your new News item has been Sent or Scheduled for a future date
      • Now synchronising all new fields via Eduhub such as Medicare number, Doctor details, Language spoken at home, Country of Birth, International Student ID and many more from SIS programs such as Cases21.
      • Easily upload images into your News items directly from your computer or device.
      • Keep historical snapshots of student enrolment data (enrolment year, year level, home group) and quick shortcuts to recorded incidents, notes and attendance for those academic years, via the new Enrolment History tab in a student’s profile.
      • Schools can now create custom fields for Students, Contacts and Staff for recoding things like Locker numbers, Swimming Ability, Religion and more.
      • Added the ability to send Unexplained Absence messages to parents via XUNO Internal Message
    • Minor improvements
      • Optimising the loading of students in Events and Fees
      • New formats of CSV exports of students, staff, contacts and more
      • Improved appearance of contact detail updates via email, making it easier to see which details have been updated

    Xuno v12.1.1598.5 release

    • Minor improvements
      • Security enhancements

    Xuno v11.4.1597.13-18 release

    • Minor improvements
      • Performance optimisations for hosted schools
      • Security enhancements

    Xuno v12.1.1598.4 release

    • Major improvements
      • Performance optimisation
      • Clashes are now visible within Scheduled Programs, allowing staff to see if they have classes, events or other programs at the same time as their programs (eg music lessons)
      • A new printable attendance report for Scheduled Programs
    • Minor improvements
      • Added filter on student attendance reports to include or exclude students who have left or are leaving
      • Improve navigation for Markbook when using mobile device
      • Added student names to Transaction reports
      • Improved view of transaction notes for easy receipting
      • Improved view of students in Events & Fees
      • Improvements to uploading documents in Incidents & Actions 
      • Optimisations to the XUNO login box
      • Improved filtering of Sent and Received messages 
      • Improved Incident & Actions graph view

    Xuno v12.1.1598.3 release

    • Minor improvements
      • Optimised Daily Organisation features
      • Updates to Beta features
      • Improved full screen view of News HTML editor
      • Improved Assignments & Homework navigation in XUNO Family app and web portal
      • Improved filtering and loading of sent and received message pages

    Xuno v12.1.1598.2 release

    • Minor improvements
      • Optimised Daily Organisation for use with the new beta features of timetabling
      • Changed the wording of the Save button for news items, depending on the published, draft and approval status
      • Improvements to login page layout
      • Improvements to Credit Card details page for parent portal
      • Recent XUNOv11.4 improvements incorporated

    Xuno v11.4.1597.12 release

    • Minor improvements
      • Student codes displayed in the student dropdown when using XUNO Basic Timetable, for ease of use when there are multiple students with the same name

    Xuno v12.1.1598.1 release

    • Major improvements
      • Option to stop combining composite classes and classes taught by the same teacher in the same period. Click here for instructions.
      • New customisable login screen design. Click here for details.
      • Schools can specify the position of the login box. Click here for instructions.
      • Option to SMS a hyperlink to parents for approving absences, without having to log in or reply to the SMS. Click here for instructions.
    • Minor improvements
      • Students list in Events now fits all columns without having to scroll left to right
      • Copy Address from Contact A button for schools using XUNO as SIS
      • Sort Events by title, date, owner and type
      • Improvements to parent/student experience when filling out Event forms
      • Improvements to downloading Accelerus reports via XUNO portal
      • All improvements of prior 11.4 XUNO updates

    Xuno v11.4.1597.11 release

    • Minor improvements
      • Changes to scheduled news items to be sent at 30 minutes past the hour to reduce server load on the hour

    Xuno v11.4.1597.10 release

    • Minor improvements
      • Bug fix for rare issue when using fortnightly recurring scheduled attendance
      • Support for new Cases21 Attendance code '620' for Swimming and Water Safety
      • Stability enhancements to payments system
      • Students Report in Events now prints with colours

    Xuno v11.4.1597.9 release

    • Minor improvements
      • Added logging in User Action log when user creates and/or edits a scheduled attendance

    Xuno V12.0.1597.8 release

    • Major improvements
      • Subject List can be uploaded via CSV for use in school Fee or Event forms
    • Minor improvements
      • Improvements to forms, payments and events system
    Xuno v11.4.1597.8 release
      • Minor improvements
        • ISV student export update (for non-CASES schools)
        • Built in browser spell checks can now be used when editing News items (TIP: when a word is underlined in red, press Ctrl + right click to access a list of suggested spelling corrections)
        • Accelerus XUNO sync now brings form group teachers into cohort roles
        • Stability enhancement to roll marking via the staff app
    Xuno v11.4.1597.8 release
    Xuno v11.4.1597.7 release
    • Minor improvements
      • Reorganised XUNO menu access for Occupational Health & Safety
      • Improved Accelerus XUNO sync for Classes and Scheduled Programs
      • Improved 2FA
      • Improved parent view of events with $0.00 cost
      • Added Room / Class Room to Emergency Evacuation Reports when Group by Class is selected
      • Improved formatting of student year levels when entered manually
      • Improved search on User Accounts page
      • Improved data loading for the Student Analysis Tool
      • New ISV Student Family Occupation & Education data export
      • Improved API endpoints
    Xuno V12.0.1597.5 release
    • Major improvements
      • Event forms can now be filled out by students - useful for student surveys, collecting subject preferences, etc.
      • Payments for overdue events can now be allowed for events and fees
      • New question type in forms called 'Plain Text' which allows the admin to include a slab of text as a part of the event form - useful for explanations or important information for users filling out forms
      • Includes all Major and Minor improvements of V11.4.1597.4 below
    • Minor improvements
      • Improvements to payments and events system
    Xuno V11.4.1597.5 release
    • Major improvements
      • Teachers can download student uploaded work from Markbook in bulk. Click here to learn more.
      • New merge field available to pull in Note types in Notes and Confidential Notes.
      • PTI Rooms field can now be used for online links such as Zoom meeting links, etc.
      • Email notification when school receives a new SMS. Follow these links for instructions: Hosted schools | On premise schools
      • Improved view of sent and received absence SMS. Click here to learn more.
      • Parents of both primary and secondary families can now be sent and can reply to absence SMS. Click here to learn more.
      • Schools using XUNO as SIS can add staff emergency contacts
    • Minor improvements
      • Enhanced stability of News and Internal Message push notifications
      • Improvements to News item editing and attachment handling
      • Improvements to CSV export and printing of Event form data
      • Updated staff and student API endpoints
      • Improved export of ACARA student background information
      • Optimised attendance code sync with Cases21
      • Improvements to view of future/past absence notes
      • Improvements to data entry for schools using XUNO as SIS
      • Improvements to Scheduled Attendance within Events module
      • Improvements to Room Bookings
      • Improvements to Scheduled Programs
      • Moved list of school calendars to optimise use of screen space
      • Other small improvements

    Xuno V11.4.1596.5 release

    • Minor improvements
      • Added visibility restriction on staff attendance comments
    Xuno V12.0.1596.4 release
    • Major improvements
      • Parents can nominate amounts for donations/voluntary payments, higher or lower than the suggested amounts
      • Customisable login wallpaper
    • Minor Improvements
      • Badge in parent portal displaying number of payment items (outstanding, direct debit, paid)
    Xuno V11.4.1596.4 release
    • Minor improvements
      • Improved display of Login Audit
      • Improved display of Received SMS Messages
      • Improved absence note operability for parents
      • Improved News item notifications
      • Improved display of Student Emergency contacts
      • Improved Student/Staff/Contact search 
      • Improved appearance of Scheduled Programs on teacher timetable
    Xuno V11.4.1596.3 release
    • Major improvements
      • Click News Item to view from dashboard
      • Upload attachments to Learning/ Behaviour Plans and Career Plans. Click here for details
      • Download CSV files of class lists for all your classes in one click. Click here for instructions
      • New option to enable Maintenance Mode for Xuno sites. Click here to learn how it works.
      • Improved support of SchoolEdge and EdVal timetable sync.
    • Minor improvements
      • New data fields and export for NAPLAN administration fields, for schools using Xuno as a SIS
      • Student names are now clickable from within Scheduled Programs, to allow you to view their profile very quickly
      • Improved student selection for Parent Teacher Interviews
      • Added the option to select Preferred Name and/or Given Name when viewing and exporting Students report
      • Increased specificity for Xuno admins to enable or disable features for students and parents via User Group Permissions
      • Always display Incidents above Actions on Student profile
      • Improved sort order of Pulse notifications
      • Improved sort order of Received SMS Messages
      • Improved pagination when viewing Events and Fees with large number of students
      • Other minor usability improvements
    Release Notes for Xuno Staff (build iOS v1.2.6)
    • Minor improvement
      • Improvement in bulk roll marking

    Release Notes for v11.4 (build 1595.2)

        • Major Improvements
          • Update to "mark linked periods" when marking attendance
          • Support for WA SIRS SIS fields added
          • New Federal address and census fields added
          • Ability for schools to enter dates in the past as exit dates
          • Timetable visibility improved in parent portal
        • Minor Improvements
          • Ability to copy more fields when cloning events
          • Removed Accelerus Reporting "description" field in scheduled programs
          • Visually enhanced the Student Search menu in Scheduled Attendance

    Release Notes for v11.4 (build 1594.1)

        • Major Improvements
          • Scheduled Programs Module available. Click here for instructions.
          • Parents can send notifications for future absences. Click here for instructions.
          • Staff can see the student year level when marking the roll
          • Student attendance may be marked on the student profile page
          • Attendance administrators may mark attendance for the whole day via the Student Absences Report page
          • Ability to filter by Xuno alerts in the Student Absence Reports page
          • Event Module allows for attachments which are only visible to staff
          • Event clashes display the specific times the clash occurs
          • Administrators may copy the Incident (What) and Action Types sections when configuring Incidents to save time
          • School > Reports > Medical has a new option to display/hide student photos
          • Timetabler Daily Organisation Sync Beta version available.
        • Minor Improvements
          • Personal Notes display in reverse chronological order
          • Improvements to speed on the staff dashboard
          • Improvements to the General Attendance Report SMS sent information
          • Improvements to news test email sending

    Release Notes for v11.3 (build 1593.5)

        • Minor Improvements
          • Improvements to the proxy usage in the Xuno-Accelerus Link

    Release Notes for v11.3 (build 1593.4)

        • Minor Improvements
          • Improvements to the notification emails for News
          • Improvements to the UI in Learning Plans
          • Improvements to access for users with apostrophes in their name
          • Messages may be sent to Future parents in Events / Fees
          • Improvements to cloning events
          • Improvements to Xuno-Accelerus Link

    Release Notes for v11.3 (build 1593.3)

        • Minor Improvements
          • Improvements to the scheduled send times for News
          • Improvements to log out times

    Release Notes for v11.3 (build 1593.1)

        • Major Improvements
          • Major Upgrade to News feature including formatting, tables and pictures. Click here for more information.
          • Increased speed in sending the Welcome and Password reset emails
          • Preview option added to Event forms
        • Minor improvements
          • Improvements to STATS attendance report
          • Exited students no longer appear in the Staff roll on the app
          • Event forms containing non-standard characters download in Event forms
          • Improvements to how apostrophes are handled for Staff using SMS
          • Increased size of school logo on login page
          • Improvements to Student attendance graph where a student is only enrolled in one class
          • Improvements to bulk marking attendance
          • PDFs open on Android Version 10 via the Apps
          • Improvements to the Progress Report menus based on user permissions

    Release Notes for v11.3 (build 1592.2)

        • Minor Improvements
          • Updates to the STATS attendance report for the number of days included in the attendance period

    Release Notes for v11.3 (build 1592.1)

    NOTE: If using On-Premise Accelerus, update both Accelerus and XUNO at the same time.

        • Major Improvements
          • SMS numbers may be searched via the main search box
          • Emergency contacts may be edited in Event forms
          • Change to Accelerus > XUNO link: Tab now called "Accelerus" instead of "Reporting". Users can now seamlessly toggle between Accelerus Reporting and Xuno School Management views
          • URLs in Event forms display as hyperlinks which may be opened in a new tab
        • Minor Improvements
          • Improvements to Event forms after questions are removed
          • Line breaks displayed in Event forms

    Release Notes for v11.3 (build 1591.6)

        • Major Improvements
          • 'Acknowledged' check box added to the Received SMS page to make it easier to find which SMSs have been dealt with.
          • SchoolEdge Timetable (SETT) timetables can be imported into XUNO
          • Renaming of menu names available on Staff and Student Dashboards. This will assist schools match XUNO menu names to their school terminology
            • This is done via Options > Software settings > Lists & Options > Settings > Language 
            • Updates to the apps in advance of new release
          • Non-specific or 'N' gender supported in XUNO
          • Ability to hide the Progress Reports menu when not used
          • Search buttons added to the Daily Organisation page
          • Log in Audit page shows IP addresses of the machine used for the log in
        • Minor Improvements
          • Event times improved in Calendar
          • Home menu hidden where relevant
          • Improvements to the Forms UI within Events

    Release Notes for v11.3 (build 1591.5)

        • Major Improvements
          • Future students may be included in Events and Fees and Levies. Students may be selected in the same window as current students.
          • Schools manually entering student data into XUNO may now update the Alert fields such as Medical, ATSI etc. Click here for details
          • Improved user interface when moving items up/down under Lists and Options
          • Select All option added to the Class Lists page
        • Minor Improvements
          • Improvements to the Student Absence Report's SMS sent column
          • Cancelled Events do not appear as an Event clash
          • Improvements to the Received SMS custom filter

    Release Notes for v11.3 (build 1591.4)

        • Major Improvements
          • Staff at hosted schools may link their XUNO accounts to their Microsoft or Google log in, and use this account to log into XUNO. Contact support to activate.
          • Students Collection Attendance (STATS) data added for independent schools
          • Additional merge fields include Alerts available for inclusion in letters, emails and SMS
        • Minor Improvements
          • Additional students may be removed from Student Notes, where the student name has an apostrophe
          • Manually updating an email address updates the User tables
          • Update to the User Accounts table. 'Last login' renamed to 'Last browser login'

    Release Notes for v11.3 (build 1591.3)

        • Major Improvements
          • Schools that are manually editing student and family contact information may set a prefix for codes
        • Minor Improvements
          • When switching between XUNO and Accelerus, Accelerus automatically logs in
          • Pulse shows the most recent date when first logging in
          • Improvements to email sending for hosted schools
          • Improvements to interface when manually adding contacts

    Release Notes for v11.3 (build 1591.2)

        • Major Improvements
          • Schools that are manually editing student and family contact information may do so via a link on the student dashboard
        • Minor Improvements
          • Manually adding a student does not automatically add an end date when adding a new student
          • Improved error messages
          • Improved filters when looking at Internal message pages
          • Improvements to copying a lesson plan
          • Improvement to reset password emails
          • Uploaded reports are not cached
          • Improvements to the User Interface for the staff news pages
          • Calendars are updated when event names are changed

    Release Notes for v11.3 (build 1591.1)

        • Major Improvements
          • Search on the XUNO dashboard extended to included both given and preferred names
          • Database Maintenance tool added to the Troubleshooting section for On-Premise schools
          • Support for new CASES21 attendance codes - 214 and 625
          • Integration with COVID-19 Self Assessment Program
          • Integration with SafetyTask Program
          • Users informed when cookies are used on the school's XUNO website
        • Minor Improvements
          • Ability to submit Event forms with optional drop down menus
          • Markbook items shown in the Student dashboard
          • Improvements to PTI staff bookings
          • Line breaks are displayed in Achievement comments and appear on student Awards
          • XUNO GPS connection improvements for schools using a proxy
          • Improvements to password reset emails
          • Improvements to linking/unlinking Messaging Groups in the Message settings window
          • Improvements to the received SMS page

    Release Notes for v11.3 (build 1590.18)

        • Major Improvements
          • Students with a status of 'Leaving' can be added to student incidents
          • Progress reports print colours where used
          • Student code is included in the Student Analysis Tool
        • Minor Improvements
          • Background code in preparation for the release of the Kiosk Quick Sign In/Out
          • Improvements in api key generation
          • Improvements to loading speeds in Markbook

    Release Notes for v11.3 (build 1590.17)

        • Major Improvements
          • Support for new CASES21 phone number formatting in all messaging areas
        • Minor Improvements
          • Improved copying process for Lesson Plans
          • Improved comment editing in the Progress Reports
          • Ability for students to print comments from Progress Reports

    Release Notes for v11.3 (build 1590.16)

        • Major Improvements
          • Support for new CASES21 phone number formatting to include international codes 
        • Minor Improvements
          • User Interface improvements in My Schedule widget
          • Improved system messages to students when there are unexplained absences
          • User Interface improvements when manually creating contact records
          • Improvements in the ability for staff to block out times in Parent Teacher Interviews module

    Release Notes for v11.3 (build 1590.15)

        • Major Improvements
          • Adjustments in advance of release of XUNO Contactless Kiosk 
        • Minor Improvements
          • Line breaks displayed in new items
          • Enhanced ability for staff to block off Parent Interview Time
          • Improvements to staff permissions
          • Improvements in date/time exports to web calendars
          • Improvements to downloading files from Accelerus within Xuno

    Release Notes for v11.3 (build 1590.14)

        • Major Improvements
          • Ability to export CASES21 624 attendance code
          • Addition of email sending from email addresses
          • AM/PM Home Group reports showing in alphabetical order
        • Minor Improvements
          • Improvements to forms in the Events window
          • Improvements to the presentation of email content
          • Improvements to the Overdue fees reports to show past events
          • Improvements to UI in Staff Dashboard

    Release Notes for v11.3 (build 1590.13)

        • Minor Improvements
          • Improvements to messaging in the Events window
          • Improvements to Parent Teacher Interview bookings for staff members
          • 'Mark linked periods' setting remembered
          • Improvements to UI in Events window when entering Event times
          • Speed improvements when using Accelerus within Xuno
          • Improvements to file uploading when using Accelerus within Xuno

    Release Notes for v11.3 (build 1590.12)

        • Minor Improvements
          • Improvements to email attachments and contents
          • Improvements to the 'Send a message' window
          • Ability to search student names in user accounts

    Release Notes for v11.3 (build 1590)

        • Major Improvements
          • Major upgrade to Events module including:
            • Ability to create custom forms for events
            • Ability to view students with clashing event attendance
            • Ability to add scheduled attendance for students attending events
            • Ability to mark event attendance
            • Ability to view events in Daily Organisation
            • Ability to set separate dates for event approval, event form returns and event payments
            • Ability to categorise events
          • Ability to manually add and edit student, staff and contact records for schools not using a SIS. Click here for details
          • Staff with permission may log in as a student or contact. Click here for details
          • Staff, students and contacts may use Email Authentication or Google Authentication for Two-Factor Authentication. Click here for details
          • Optimisation of privacy of Confidential Notes - Admin user groups will no longer automatically be able to read confidential notes created by other users. Click here for more info.
          • Ability to send links to Zoom meetings via XUNO. Click here for details
          • Microsoft Teams school data sync CSV export from within XUNO - test schools required. Click here for details
          • XUNO School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) available as a standalone package. 
          • Integration with Google Analytics. Click here for details
          • Support for different time zones for Kiosk sign in/out. Click here for details
          • Staff and Student photos file sizes are automatically decreased upon uploading to improve page load speed
          • Addition of pagination on pages to improve page loading speed
          • Columns for Student Code, Staff details and Merit points added to the Learning > Achievements report
          • Support for emojis and other special characters and the ability for administrators to choose whether these can be sent in SMS messages. Click here for details
          • Improvements to the Send a message to check whether the user wishes to send additional messages using the same content and/or recipients
          • Addition of the student's photo when logged in as a parent, which when pressed reveals the student QR code for faster kiosk sign in/out
          • Ability to use new attendance export code 623
          • Updated XUNO EduHub Sync to write-back attendance daily to Cases21
          • Future students may be manually enabled and will not be disabled when data is synced with EduHub
          • Removal of text 'store the login details in a safe place' from the Welcome email
          • In XUNO Markbook, parents can upload work on behalf of students, when allowed by teachers. Click here for details
          • New Markbook widget to manage Markbook alerts. Click here for details
          • All website addresses automatically generate a hyperlink within XUNO Messages so the recipient can just click and go
        • Minor Improvements
          • Improved filtering in the User Account page for parents
          • Webcal links use https connections instead of http
          • Improvement to delete permissions in calendar events
          • Improvement to attendance data export
          • Improvement to printing of learning plans when checkboxes are used
          • Back button in the Pulse keeps the Pulse expanded
          • Improvement to Staff profile merge process
          • Improvement to permissions preventing users sending messages via Events
          • Improved speed in the Parent Absence Page
          • Ability to send an internal message to oneself
          • Searching for staff member in User Accounts window does not export a spreadsheet
          • Correct times are displayed in future dates in My Schedule widget
          • Attendance page remembers user preferences
          • SMS column in General Attendance Report corrected
          • 'Only show alerts' flag setting in Daily Org remembered
          • Improved access to messages where users have more than one screen's worth of messages
          • Users cannot book PTI for incorrect students 

    Release Notes for v11.2 (build 1589)

        • Major Improvements
          • Upload files up to 1GB per file in all areas of XUNO
        • Minor Improvements
          • Continuous Reporting assessments can be Published to parent and student portal as a part of the creation process

    Release Notes for v11.2 (build 1588)

        • Major Improvements
          • Ability to remove attachments from message before sending
          • Ability to send attachments via internal message to all selected recipients
        • Minor Improvement
          • Ability to hide Markbook from teachers when it is not being used
          • Teacher feedback attachments is now visible in parent/student portal

    Release Notes for v11.2 (build 1586)

        • Minor Improvement
          • Published Lesson Plans available to parents online when using both Continuous Reporting and Lesson Plans.

    Release Notes for Kiosk v1.1.5

        • Major Improvements
          • VIT check has been added to the Visitor sign in page
          • Improved user interface for visitor sign in page
          • Version number added to the bottom right of the kiosk for ease of checking
          • Passes now print with QR codes on them instead of barcodes, which are read faster by the iPad camera.
          • Schools may use QR codes on student and staff cards. The existing barcodes still work if you'd prefer to keep using them.
        • Minor Improvements
          • Users with a WWCC number starting with '00' can now validate their WWCC number
          • Improvement to error messages where a poor internet connection exists
          • Kiosk registration persists if a poor internet connection exists

    Release Notes for Kiosk v1.0.3

        • Major Improvements
          • Passes now print with QR codes on them instead of barcodes, which are read faster by the iPad camera.
          • Schools may use QR codes on student and staff cards. The existing barcodes still work if you'd prefer to keep using them.

    Release Notes for v11.2 (build 1585)

        • Major Improvement
          • Ability to keep future students active if account has been activated by the school
        • Minor Improvement
          • Improved messaging to Teachers via the Family App

    Release Notes for v11.2 (build 1584)

        • Major Improvements
          • Change to SMS to support unicode messages sent from parents. Emoji characters can now be received from (but not sent to) parents.
        • Minor Improvements
          • Improved document downloads for XUNO family app
          • Removed ability to treat unmarked attendance as marked for improvement in attendance statistics
          • Improved speeds when loading Daily Organisation pages 

    Release Notes for v11.2 (build 1583)

        • Major Improvements
          • Support for LDAPS as well as LDAP- Note that the LDAP settings must be updated in XUNO if using this feature
        • Minor Improvements
          • Remove obsolete menus for linking to ReporterPro
          • Improvements to user groups search
          • Improvements to timetable

    Release Notes for v11.2 (build 1582)

    WARNING: Prior to installing this build, if you are installing from a version prior to 1579, some pre-requisites must be satisfied. Click here for installation instructions.

        • Major Improvements
          • Bus routes may be assigned in bulk
          • Students may be assigned to more than one bus route
        • Minor Improvements
          • CASES21 AM/PM report does not include unmarked classes as present
          • Re-adding a student to an event works correctly
          • "Hide Markbook menu items" function improvements

    Release Notes for v11.2 (build 1581)

    WARNING: Prior to installing this build, if you are installing from version 1579 or prior, some pre-requisites must be satisfied. Click here for installation instructions.

        • Major Improvements
          • Updates to XUNO Parent and Student Portal to show Continuous Reporting results
        • Minor Improvements
          • When adding a url to My Links, the system retains the protocol entered eg ftp instead of http
          • My Links window is enabled for scrolling
          • "Hide Markbook menu items" function improvements
          • Minor alignment issues corrected

    Release Notes for v11.2 (build 1580)

    WARNING: Prior to installing this build, some pre-requisites must be installed. Click here for instructions.

        • Minor Improvements
          • Improvements to student name searches in the Kiosk
          • Improvements to push notifications to the parent app
          • Improvements to the assessment overdue option in the parent portal

    Release Notes for v11.2 (build 1579)

    WARNING: Prior to installing this build, some pre-requisites must be satisfied. Click here for instructions.

        • New features
          • Graphing capability in Incidents. Support for SWPBS but may be used for other purposes. Click here for instructions.
          • Ability to assign rooms to XUNO basic timetables. Click here for instructions.
          • USI number imports from CASES21 via Eduhub version 2
          • Ability to add attachments to Incidents
          • Ability to add attachments to Markbook Feedback
          • Ability to delete unused report folders. Click here for instructions.
          • Update to User Interface
          • Ability to contact XUNO support within the school website. Click here for instructions.
          • Ability to view attachments in Events as a parent.
        • Minor Improvements
          • Preparation for new Staff App
          • Ability for parents to make payments if an extension has been given
          • Improvements to usability on iPad
          • Improvements to Daily Org alerts
          • Improvements to required fields on incident forms
          • Ability to delete usergroups containing inactive users
          • Updates to format of printed timetables so that student and teacher timetables are consistent
          • Templates have enhanced handling of hyphenated names
          • Improved handling of assigned staff information in Student Absence letters
          • Improvements to the display of chronological data in Student Absence Letters
          • Staff Absences allows Relief Teachers to be selected

    Release Notes for v11.1 (build 1578)

        • New feature
          • Attachments are included in notification emails such as news and internal message notifications
          • Kiosk allows Students and Teachers to be searched by name as well as code
          • Kiosk displays a photo of the person selected
          • Staff Absences may be added for CRT and manually created teachers

    Release Notes for v11.1 (build 1577)

        • New feature
          • Schools can now import NAPLAN results from the new NAPLAN Data Service export format
          • First Class schools can now import timetables into hosted versions of XUNO
        • Minor improvements
          • Career plans and Incidents wrap text where long text fields are used
          • Improved interface for My Notifications widget

    Release Notes for v11.1 (build 1576)

        • Minor improvements
          • Speed improvements when opening the Staff Daily classes
          • Speed improvements when sending emails to all parents
          • Lesson plans and Incidents are displayed in reverse chronological order to make it quicker to find the most recent lesson plan or incident
          • Staff members with long staff codes may create calendar items

    Release Notes for v11.1 (build 1575)

        • New feature
          • New menu added to show administrators when data was last imported from EduHub. See Options > Troubleshoot
        • Minor improvements
          • Improvement to SMS messages where Sent Items now displays multiple rows of text where required
          • Timetable widget updated to show appropriate absence information for future dates

    Release Notes for v11.1 (build 1574)

        • Minor improvements
          • Updated the ability to select specific groups when adding or modifying a calendar item
          • Added ability to delete timetables for previous and future dates
          • Improvement to warning messages when sending emails and no recipient is selected
          • Progress reports always display the student name in capital letters

    Release Notes for v11.1 (build 1573)

        • Minor improvements
          • Strengthening for timetable import process
          • Typographical correction in calendar items selection screen
          • Visual enhancement of academic cycle screen in XUNO GPS

    Release Notes for v11.1 (build 1572)

        • New feature
          • Teachers using the Notification app may now send internal messages via the app. 
        • Minor improvements
          • The ability to bulk mark attendance for one student has been improved
          • Text correction when adding a new calendar item (the word "Form" has been reinstated)

    Release Notes for v11.1 (build 1571)

        • Minor improvements
          • Upgrade to improve pdf attachment handling for some android phones. Note: Android users must have a pdf reader installed on their phone for this upgrade to be operable
          • Minor name changes to the Dashboard widget headings (removing the pronoun "my")

    Release Notes for v11.1 (build 1570)

        • Minor improvements
          • Faulty staff email addresses causing downstream email resending issues has been preempted.
          • Bulk marking attendance made more robust

    Release Notes for v11.1 (build 1569):

        • New features
          • Teachers may choose which widgets they display on their dashboard. Simply click the cog and tick widgets on/off.
        • Minor improvements
          • An issue where staff names were not appearing in all windows (where the staff member didn't have a preferred name) has been fixed
          • An issue where multiple newsletters where being sent out has been resolved

    Release Notes for v11.1 (build 1568):

        • New features
          • Schools marking AM/PM attendance may create an Absence letter to send to parents. This letter requests an explanation for unexplained absences. Click here for instructions
          • Teachers may create their own messaging groups. Used for teachers who manage groups such as SRC, Sport, Music or Clubs. Click here for instructions
          • Administrators can copy the permissions for a current user group into a new user group
          • Staff can search for specific Events using the new search box on the Events page
          • Staff may create Events by copying an existing event, choosing whether or not to include the students and staff from the previous event
          • Timetables may be imported for all or specific students
          • Student Notes may be sorted in chronological and reverse chronological order
          • Administrators may anchor the header row and left column of the attendance reasons page, to make for easier scrolling
          • Staff may type the first letter of a student's name when searching for a student in Send a Message or Bulk Send Message, to be taken directly to the relevant section of the alphabet
        • Minor improvements
          • Text alignment on the Incidents page has been fixed
          • An issue with some users receiving an error message when resetting their password has now been resolved
          • Calendar Alerts now appear in the Weekly email alert if the Calendar Alerts are activated
          • Group Messages now show all group members in the header
          • Staff may now print multiple learning plans at once
          • Student Profile now displays the test type when displaying On Demand, NAPLAN or Victorian Curriculum data

    Release Notes for v11.0 (build 1567):

        • Minor improvements
          • Eduhub import issue resolved for empty student code scenario
          • Parent Teacher Interview Report SQL error resolved
          • Viewing Accelerus menus in XUNO GPS has been corrected for schools using IE and Microsoft Azure

    Release Notes for v11.0 (build 1566):

        • Minor enhancements to the XUNO GPS import to Accelerus process

    Release Notes for v11.0 (build 1565):

        • Eduhub expanded to make explicit use of the Refugee Background field in CASES21
        • Eduhub Writeback update to present medical information in the same manner as Eduhub version 1
        • Update to styling in Goals Management

    Release Notes for v11.0 (build 1564):

        • Fix for Eduhub issue to import all students who may have a non-ascii character in their student code
        • Ability to exclude non-ascii characters
        • Update Xuno - Accelerus link to include provision for the Accelerus URL

    Release Notes for v11.0 (build 1563):

        • Fix for Eduhub issue where students with non-standard characters in name prevent the Sync from running

    Release Notes for v11.0 (build 1562):

        • Release of XUNO GPS to allow for transfer of data between XUNO and Accelerus
        • Accelerus menus available within XUNO website
        • Click here for download and instructions

    Release Notes for v10.6 (build 1561):

        • Patched an issue causing tables to not display text properly
        • We've made a change to the Parent/Student app: new internal messages will now appear in the list of notifications

    Release Notes for v10.6 (build 1560):

        • A hotfix for the new desktop widgets to improve functionality

    Release Notes for v10.6 (build 1559):
    A big release including two neat features we think you'll love!

        • On the Staff Dashboard, we’ve created two new dashboard widgets: My Timetable and My Calendar. This separates the day’s classes from the day’s calendar events, making it easier for staff to see what’s on for them and what's on for the school
        • Eduhub Writeback is now available for all schools! This means that administrators will no longer have to import attendance manually to CASES each week. We have contacted Eduhub on behalf of all schools to enable this for you. More info here. Feel free to give us a call if you have any questions on 1300067478.
        • We've also made it a bit easier for parents to see when a payment is overdue. Administrators can now adjust how long overdue payments will appear in the Portal
        • We’ve made improvements to the way Attachments are removed on the Send A Message page
        • We've increased the max upload size significantly. It is still recommended that you minimize photo upload size as much as possible
        • Replacing DOCX templates has been tweaked to work better
        • Many more updates and improvements to XUNO and the Portal

    Release Notes for v10.5 (build 1558):

        • Improvements to Daily Organisation when we are working with a two week timetable cycle
        • Performance updates to XUNO and the Portal

    Release Notes for v10.5 (build 1557):

        • A quick fix to resolve issues printing some Learning Plans
        • General Stability updates and improvements to the Portal 

    Release Notes for v10.5 (build 1556):

        • Support for new calendar view in mobile app
        • Security improvements
        • Small events payment issue resolved
        • UI enhancements to dailyorg, markbook, tooltips and several other screens

    Release Notes for v10.4 (build 1555):

    Please be sure you have updated to at least version 10.3.1553 (found here) BEFORE updating to Version 10.4.1555
    See release notes for 10.4.1554 before proceeding.

        • Patch to fix a missing menu in some browsers in the parent portal
        • Enhanced the user interface when making payments via smartphone, tablet or other small device

    Release Notes for v10.4 (build 1554):

    Please be sure you have updated to Version 10.3.1553 (found here) BEFORE updating to Version 10.4.1554.
    Version 10.4.1554 is a significant update, so it is prudent to ensure that you can restore back to the most recent previous version if necessary.

        • We have made some significant compatibility adjustments, in preparation for the new and upgraded Mobile App XUNO 2.0.1
        • We've applied some fixes to a few small issues including - sending SMS, viewing Payments in the Portal, Overdue work Pulse notifications
        • We've made it easier to approve Events in the Portal on mobile devices

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1553):

        • Patch to fix an issue sending Incident Alerts

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1552):

        • Patch to fix an issue when creating Incidents where an SQL error was given when saving the Incidents.

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1551):

    Messaging improvements. From now on you will also be able to message:

        • Future students and their parents
        • Multiple selected students
        • Parents of multiple selected students
        • Teachers of multiple selected students
        • Coordinators of multiple selected students
        • Multiple selected teachers
        • Multiple selected CRTs


        • We have made a few changes to the way we sync with Edval to ensure Study periods come across
        • We fixed a small issue causing some part time teachers that worked for schools with a two week timetable cycle to be unavailable
        • We fixed an issue causing Welfare notes to overflow out of the text box when they were being printed
        • We adjusted the way Parent Teacher Interview times and dates are represented in the Portal
        • We heard that some users were not able to download the Parent Teacher Interview map. That has been resolved.

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1550):

        • A quick fix to an issue preventing users from deleting timetable data 

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1549):

        • We were busy improving the Portal and finalising connections with the new App (launching in the next couple of weeks) 
        • When students and parents look at their contact details, they will now see the students' details as well
        • Fixed an issue when printing Parent Teacher Interviews in the Portal - XUNO now prints the correct date
        • Viewing Markbook items as a staff member while on the student profile has been improved.

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1548):

        • We added an alert to notify staff members when they are overwriting pre marked attendance 
        • Bug fixes including fixing Mac Calendars, weekly email alerts, sorting columns, timetable clashes, and a few others

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1547):

        • Various fixes and improvements made to document uploading in XUNO and the Portal
        • New lesson plans created are now no longer published to parents and students by default

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1546):

        • Classes which a student is no longer enrolled in are now excluded from the auto-book feature of Parent Teacher Interviews. These classes are displayed in the Portal with a tag and can still be booked manually
        • Fixed an issue which would sometimes prevent older internal messages from being loaded

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1545):

        • Large speed improvements across XUNO and the Portal for schools with many uploaded documents
          IMPORTANT: Be sure to backup your XUNO installation files before updating
        • New 'No Export' column added to attendance types. Any student timetable records marked as a reason with this setting will not be exported from XUNO
          Tip: You might use this setting to mark rolls for students no longer in a class
        • Improvements made to Edval import to more accurately identify subject code
        • XUNO can now export your Parent Teacher Interviews report to CSV
        • You can now update the payment due date of an event or fee even after the event has been approved
          You'll be given the option to either preserve any individual payment extensions that have been given to parents, or overwrite them with the new due date.
        • Sent Messages report now includes app notifications
        • Improvements to events and fees for mobile devices

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1544):

        • Improvements made to app notification sending speed
        • Added year selector to the Portal's Classwork and Homework pages so that parents and students can easily review work from previous years
        • Option to SMS kiosk passes now separated into parents, students and visitors to give you more control of communication preferences
        • Display improvements made throughout XUNO for smaller screens
        • Processing of student information improved to better flag ATSI students
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1543):

        • Fixed an issue that caused the Overdue Payments Report to export extra information that was not included in the original report
        • Resolved issue which would sometimes cause attachments to be saved incorrectly
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1542):

        • Improved feedback messages for parents when they have restricted access to download reports in the Portal
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1541):

        • Display and layout improvements made to Parent and Student Portal when viewed on a smaller devices.
        • Kiosk conditions of entry text now supports more character encoding types.
        • Parent Teacher Interviews report can now be sorted by room.
        • Resolved issue where the message sending page would display incorrect recipient count under certain conditions.
        • Resolved issue causing some class names to appear blank.
        • Improved accuracy of SAS parent and contact export data.
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1540):

        • Added new Description and Status Message fields to Staffing Preferences page. This allows you to show staff specific information on search results
        • Increased character encoding support across XUNO including the Kiosk Conditions of Entry text
        • Resolved a permission issue stopping some users from importing their timetable
        • Fixed issue where the school URL was being truncated on permission slips
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1539):

        • Fixed an issue that was generating an error when downloading Lesson Plans
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal
        • Fixed an issue causing an error to appear when printing Awards

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1538):

        • New Markbook feature that allows administrators to create global marking schemas for teachers to use. We've pre-filled some schemas that you might find helpful
        • New Markbook feature that allows teachers to re-order dropdown items to their choosing
        • A new finance report has been added which shows overdue payments allowing you to view outstanding items for both Fees and Events

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1537):

        • New page released which allows administrators to upload student reports from within XUNO.
        • Staff photos now visible when looking at another teacher's dashboard
        • Removed class codes from the timetable in the Portal ensuring students and parents can see information most relevant to them.

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1536):

        • New Feature! With the Introduction of our Fees & Levies module, keep your team organised and parents happy with a host of features designed to manage fees and process bulk online payments

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1535):

        • Fixed a small issue causing LEFT students to be hidden in the Markbook
        • Made improvements to the Bulk Actions page, you can now select classes by year level
        • We have added a new Permission for Parents and Students. Administrators can now decide if they would like to allow Read Only access or No Access to Progress Reports
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1534):

        • The alternative to cancelling classes has arrived! The Bulk Actions page appearing under the Daily Org menu allows administrators to manage classes in bulk
        • Fixed an issue preventing certain tick boxes from saving
        • Users can now add Revisions to all Learning Plans
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1533):

        • The ability to create HTML templates for awards and letters has been deprecated as it was not being used. Schools are now using DOCX templates instead
        • Fixed an issue preventing certain Yard Duties from coming across into XUNO via Edvals
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1532):

        • Dropdowns now work when creating News items and Calendar items
        • The staff timetable will now distinguish between the types of extras i.e In-Lieu, Not Counted etc
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1531):

        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1530):

        • New settings added to the Kiosk Settings page. These settings control the Conditions of Entry agreement which will be available in an upcoming version of the Kiosk. Look out for an email with more information.
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1529):

        • We have added a bit of colour to your staff Dashboard! This will help you understand what group each Calendar event belongs to
        • On Demand tests will now show an expected level for year 7 and below
        • New Working with Children Check column on the Kiosk Sign-in/Sign-out report. Visitor WWCC number's will be stored with an upcoming update to your Xuno Kiosk
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1528):

        • Progress Reports are now able to be printed with comments and in colour
        • Fixed an issue causing the CASES AM/PM Monthly export to show incorrect attendance
        • Removed the Approve By date appearing on Permission Slips when an Event does not require parent permission
        • Fixed an issue that prevented some parents from receiving notifications about internal messages on the app
        • Small optimizations to the staff side of XUNO on mobile devices
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1527):

        • Fixed an issue preventing parents and students from accessing their Portal
        • Fixed an issue that prevented removing old medical records from XUNO if the record had been deleted in CASES
        • Fixed an issue that caused users to see an incorrect error when entering the wrong LDAP username and password
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal.

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1526):

        • Fixed an issue that would cause students and parents to receive notifications for newly created News items and Calendar items that were sent to the staff group. 
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal.

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1525):

        • Fixed a permission issue that effected non admin users. 
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal. 

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1524):

        • Added the ability to receive notifications via our XUNO APP. If you have our APP installed you can now receive notifications for new Internal Messages, new Calendar items, new News items, new Markbook items, Class Cancellations, Room Cancellations, Daily Organisation changes, and many more. 
        • Added the ability for parents to part pay for an Event in the Portal.
        • Added the ability for Admins to choose that users login with the LDAP email instead of their LDAP username. 
        • Improved the performance of our Roll marking page on mobile devices.
        • Added the ability to import Victorian Curriculum results. 
        • As an Admin, you can now choose to show or hide student medical information on the student Portal.
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal. 

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1523):

        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal.

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1522):

        • Added four new Uncompleted Work merge fields which display the original and extended due date.
        • Email sending method adjusted in hosted environments to prevent email blocking.
        • Wrapping and display of classes with long names fixed in the Markbook.
        • Previous parent teacher interview bookings are now hidden from the staff Parent Teacher Interviews page.
        • Display improvements to Daily Organisation.
        • Fixed an issue sometimes causing a Markbook class not to remain selected after saving.
        • Fixed issue sometimes causing student classwork and homework not to display on the student profile page.
        • Fixed issue with the filtering on the User Accounts page.
        • Improved permission checks in Progress Reports feature.
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal.

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1521):

        • Improvements made to EDSAS export to increase performance.
        • When printing an event permission slip, the student code is now displayed.
        • Fixed issue sometimes causing absence text messages to not be sent.
        • Empty and yard duty classes are no longer shown when adding students to events.
        • Improvements to markbook item duplication.
        • Fixed issue sometimes causing incorrect count of uncompleted work to be displayed in the Portal.
        • Improvements to FirstClass timetable import.
        • Improvements to PHP 7.1 support.
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal.

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1520):

        • Improvements to PHP 7.1 support
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal.

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1519):

        • Add support for PHP version 7.1.
        • Removed the Uncompleted Work (Pre v7.7) and Homework (Pre v7.7) features.
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal.

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1518):

        • Resolved issue stopping some users from saving lesson plans.
        • Improved timetable import class list accuracy.

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1517):

        • When creating an award from an achievement, the fields Award Text, Award Venue, Award Date and Award Time and now saved instead of being reset each time you create the award.

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1516):

        • Inactive CRTs are now visible from the Staffing Preferences page on the Relief Teachers tab.
        • Table headers on Daily Org page now remain fixed when scrolling.
        • Improvements to the way large room timetables are displayed.
        • An adjustment to the XUNO calendar subscription will cause it to sync data more quickly.
        • When creating a new lesson plan, you can now attach documents without having to save first.
        • Room changes are now coloured on the Rooms and Resources page.
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal.

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1515):

        • Small adjustment made to the XUNO installer.

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1514):

        • Parents can now update their contact details when making a payment through the payment gateway. Any adjustments will be sent to the school email address.
        • When adding students to an event by class, you can now choose which classes you would like to view by selecting the appropriate quilt.
        • Various fixes and improvements to the Markbook feature.
        • The AM/PM attendance export will now export students without classes for a session as present instead of not marked.
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal.

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1513):

        • Support for uploading student information data directly to XUNO when a network transfer is not available.
        • In addition to AM and PM, periods can now be set to 'Time' which causes XUNO to split the period into AM or PM by period time when exporting half-day attendance data.
        • New text messaging option in Incidents and Actions feature which mandates that a text message is sent when saving a new incident or action.
        • When editing an incident or action, you can now print letters for secondary families.
        • Improved the speed of setting multiple user's passwords from the User Accounts page.
        • Adjustments to the Portal Messages page to improve loading time and stability.
        • Teachers can now only delete a markbook item if there is no student work attached.
        • Improvements to the filtering on the Career Plans page.
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal.

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1512):

        • Fixed count of selected items on multiple drop down lists.
        • Various fixes to the room and resource booking pages when using Internet Explorer
        • General stability and performance improvements to XUNO and the Portal.

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1511):

        • When importing a timetable from manual files, you can now import in a comma separated format.
        • We've resolved an issue which would sometimes prevent some merge fields from displaying correctly.
        • Display improvements to messages in the Portal.
        • In the Events feature, access to commonly used reports and features have now been moved to the header for easy access.
        • It appeared that Scheduled Attendances were not being applied even after a staff member had manually marked that student as Unmarked. They will work correctly now. 
        • We noticed that Some Secondary Families were not appearing in XUNO. That's all fixed. 
        • You can now view a calendar summary of a students previous years Attendance on their profile. Simply go to the Student Profile > Attendance page and keep clicking left to go back to the month you are after.  
        • We noticed not all attachments were showing when a staff member sent a few attachments to a group of students. They will appear now. 
        • You can now choose what student you would like to print a permission slip for when viewing an Event. 

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1510):

        • There were a few little bugs causing PTI's to not be booked correctly. They are all fixed now. 
        • We made some adjustments to the way XUNO responds on mobile devices. It will be much easier now to click on search results when staff search another Staff member, Parent, or Student.
        • When a staff member tried to give an extension to a student via Markbook, sometimes the top of the Calendar would be cut off. We have adjusted this to show correctly. 

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1509):

        • You asked so we delivered... Parents and Students can now click on the Completed Assignments button in the Portal! This will take them to a summary page of the Completed Assignments and Tasks.
        • When viewing a class in the Portal, we have added a little email icon next to the teachers name. This will allow you to email the teacher. 
        • We got some feedback on the "Marked Linked Periods" tickbox when staff mark their roll. We have changed it so that it remains ticked or unticked. Simply untick this and next time you mark your roll it will not be ticked again. Or if you prefer, you can leave it ticked. 
        • When viewing the News in the Portal, simply clicking on the News item on your homepage, will cause XUNO to anchor to that particular News item on the next page. Now you will know which one you clicked on! 

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1508):

        • When using IE and removing a teacher from a class where no replacement teacher was required, there was a little issue preventing this from being saved correctly. That has been fixed. 
        • There was a little Bug allowing staff to book unavailable room via their Timetable. We fixed that and made sure unavailable rooms cannot be booked anywhere.
        • We fixed a few small Bugs on the Staffing Preferences page that appeared in IE.  
        • There was an error appearing when staff tried to access the Students tab in any Event. This will not appear again. 

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1507):

        • It looked like the Vivo Miles export was sorely missed! We added it back to make sure you can easily download this info. 
        • We found a small issue preventing No reply SMS from being sent in XUNO. It didn't affect anyone but we fixed it anyway.  

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1506):

        • The was a permission Bug preventing users from viewing Events. We fixed that for you. 

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1505):

        • We noticed that words were being broken incorrectly when users were sending long messages via our Messaging module in the Portal. It looks a lot better now.
        • You will now no longer receive an error message when messaging all Students in an Event. 
        • Our handy autobook feature for PTI's in the Portal was working a little too well, it was autobooking every class! Now it will only autobook classes the student is currently enrolled. 
        • There were a few instances of inactive staff initials appearing in the current timetable. That's all fixed. 
        • We have added the ability for Students to sign into the Kiosk using the first part of their email address. 

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1504):

        • It looked like there was a formatting issue when viewing the page School > Timetable & Rooms >  Book Rooms & Resources in IE. We now display that page properly. 

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1503):

        • We thought we would make it a bit easier for Parents and the Students who are using our messaging feature in the Portal. You now see a summary of recent conversations first before you view the message box.

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1502):

        • We have added  the ability to open Wellbeing notes in read only mode. This will allow users to view public records and download any attachments. 
        • There was a restriction preventing staff from marking rolls any longer than 2 weeks in the past. We removed that as we felt everyone needed a bit more time to Mark all of their rolls.
        • You can now open up any search result in a new tab! Just search the Parent, Staff or Student and mousewheel click on the result you are after. 
        • The was a small Bug preventing staff from viewing comments in the Progress Reports, we have fixed that for you.
        • Ever wanted to edit Markbook items that another teacher created for the same class that you teach? We have added the ability to do this as long as you both teach the same class.
        • If you ever wanted to generate Academic Reports for a Secondary Family of a student, you are in luck! You can now do this.
        • We have made all of the names on the page Options > Software Settings > User Accounts links to help you view their profile much easier. 

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1501):

        • There was an a little Bug causing the Classwork and Homework page on a Students Profile to not be visible, we have fixed that for you. 
        • Various other little Bug Fixes and improvements made to XUNO 

    Release Notes for v10.3 (build 1500):

      • Brand new Parent Absence Reasons feature! Collect notes from parents and adjust attendance records from one simple page.
      • You can now set each teacher's availability by individual period instead of just days to better improve class replacements.
      • Subscribe to your XUNO calendar! View your XUNO calendar on all your devices with the new XUNO calendar subscription service.
      • Big improvements have been made to the Parent Teacher Interview feature including the ability to set different interview durations for different interview periods - now you can give individual year levels or houses different interview lengths. User interface improvements make managing staff bookings even easier.
      • It is now easier to keep track of which users have received a welcome email to make getting new users logged in to XUNO even easier.
      • Some automated text messages in XUNO have been shortened to make sure they all fit on one message.
      • Text messages sent to parents when a student signs in can now be sent to only one parent. Adjust this in Settings > Kiosk Settings.
      • Event UI improvements including a new messaging feature, better overview tabs, participant sorting, logs and more....
    Xuno v11.4.1597.7 release
    • Minor improvements
      • Reorganised XUNO menu access for Occupational Health & Safety
      • Improved Accelerus XUNO sync for Classes and Scheduled Programs
      • Improved 2FA
      • Improved parent view of events with $0.00 cost
      • Added Room / Class Room to Emergency Evacuation Reports when Group by Class is selected
      • Improved formatting of student year levels when entered manually
      • Improved search on User Accounts page
      • Improved data loading for the Student Analysis Tool
      • New ISV Student Family Occupation & Education data export
      • Improved API endpoints
      Xuno V12.0.1597.5 release
      • Major improvements
        • Event forms can now be filled out by students - useful for student surveys, collecting subject preferences, etc.
        • Payments for overdue events can now be allowed for events and fees
        • New question type in forms called 'Plain Text' which allows the admin to include a slab of text as a part of the event form - useful for explanations or important information for users filling out forms
        • Includes all Major and Minor improvements of V11.4.1597.4 below
        • Minor improvements
          • Improvements to payments and events system
          Xuno V11.4.1597.5 release
          • Major improvements
            • Teachers can download student uploaded work from Markbook in bulk. Click here to learn more.
            • New merge field available to pull in Note types in Notes and Confidential Notes.
            • PTI Rooms field can now be used for online links such as Zoom meeting links, etc.
            • Email notification when school receives a new SMS. Follow these links for instructions: Hosted schools | On premise schools
            • Improved view of sent and received absence SMS. Click here to learn more.
            • Parents of both primary and secondary families can now be sent and can reply to absence SMS. Click here to learn more.
            • Schools using XUNO as SIS can add staff emergency contacts
            • Minor improvements
              • Enhanced stability of News and Internal Message push notifications
              • Improvements to News item editing and attachment handling
              • Improvements to CSV export and printing of Event form data
              • Updated staff and student API endpoints
              • Improved export of ACARA student background information
              • Optimised attendance code sync with Cases21
              • Improvements to view of future/past absence notes
              • Improvements to data entry for schools using XUNO as SIS
              • Improvements to Scheduled Attendance within Events module
              • Improvements to Room Bookings
              • Improvements to Scheduled Programs
              • Moved list of school calendars to optimise use of screen space
              • Other small improvements

              Xuno V11.4.1596.5 release

              • Minor improvements
                • Added visibility restriction on staff attendance comments
                Xuno V12.0.1596.4 release
                • Major improvements
                  • Parents can nominate amounts for donations/voluntary payments, higher or lower than the suggested amounts
                  • Customisable login wallpaper
                  • Minor Improvements
                    • Badge in parent portal displaying number of payment items (outstanding, direct debit, paid)
                    Xuno V11.4.1596.4 release
                    • Minor improvements
                      • Improved display of Login Audit
                      • Improved display of Received SMS Messages
                      • Improved absence note operability for parents
                      • Improved News item notifications
                      • Improved display of Student Emergency contacts
                      • Improved Student/Staff/Contact search 
                      • Improved appearance of Scheduled Programs on teacher timetable
                      Xuno V11.4.1596.3 release
                      • Major improvements
                        • Click News Item to view from dashboard
                        • Upload attachments to Learning/ Behaviour Plans and Career Plans. Click here for details
                        • Download CSV files of class lists for all your classes in one click. Click here for instructions
                        • New option to enable Maintenance Mode for Xuno sites. Click here to learn how it works.
                        • Improved support of SchoolEdge and EdVal timetable sync.
                        • Minor improvements
                          • New data fields and export for NAPLAN administration fields, for schools using Xuno as a SIS
                          • Student names are now clickable from within Scheduled Programs, to allow you to view their profile very quickly
                          • Improved student selection for Parent Teacher Interviews
                          • Added the option to select Preferred Name and/or Given Name when viewing and exporting Students report
                          • Increased specificity for Xuno admins to enable or disable features for students and parents via User Group Permissions
                          • Always display Incidents above Actions on Student profile
                          • Improved sort order of Pulse notifications
                          • Improved sort order of Received SMS Messages
                          • Improved pagination when viewing Events and Fees with large number of students
                          • Other minor usability improvements
                          Release Notes for Xuno Staff (build iOS v1.2.6)
                          • Minor improvement
                            • Improvement in bulk roll marking