XUNO can be used to store a variety of information using confidential notes or student notes within the student profile.
You can also add attachments of any file type to student notes or confidential notes, which will remain available on the student’s record even after the student has left the school.
- (Student) Notes – should be used for and by all staff for miscellaneous notes and teaching instructions
- Confidential Notes – should be used for confidential information or discussions with the student, parents or other parties. We recommend that you limit access to this section only to the Principal or Wellbeing staff.
Note: For information on adding wellbeing notes, see the article How to use student wellbeing information.
In this article
Adding a student note or confidential note
- Find a student using the search bar and click on their name to go to their student dashboard.
- Click on the Confidential Notes or Notes item in the left hand menu.
- Click on the Add button to add a new record.
- Under the Details section, click the Calendar icon next to Date: and select a date for the student note or confidential note.
- If you are creating a note that applies to multiple students, you can click the [ Show / Hide additional student selection ] text and select one or more students to add to this note. All information is duplicated across to all students added to the same note.
- Use the dropdown list next to Type: to select the note type you are adding. If you have permission, you can modify the list of available note types by clicking on the [ Edit List ] text.
- Add any Comments you wish to add in the text box.
- Choose a Staff Member for this record by choosing from the dropdown list.
- Tick the relevant radio buttons to select No or Yes for whether follow up is required and whether the parent has been contacted.
- For confidential notes only, by default the note created will be a private record. To make it Public to staff that have permission to view public confidential notes, tick the checkbox that says Other users can view this record. If this checkbox is unticked, only those with permission to view ALL confidential notes will be able to see it.
- Attach any files to the note if required, by clicking in the Upload area and browsing to your file, or by dragging and dropping files into the area.
- Click the Save button.
- If there are automated email notifications set up for student notes or confidential notes, these will be sent to recipients as determined by your messaging settings. For more information, see the related article Automated email or SMS notification alerts to messaging groups for incidents, notes and achievements.
Viewing and editing student notes
- Find a student using the search bar and click on their name to go to their student dashboard.
- Click on the Notes item in the left hand menu.
- Click on the dropdown to filter by note type, or leave the default option of All Types.
- Select the applicable month or year from the dropdown lists at the top right.
- Click the Pencil icon next to a note to view or edit it. You can use the Search bar at the top right of the table to find specific notes, or sort any of the columns in the table with up or down arrows in the column header.
- Edit your note as needed.
- If you are editing a note and there are automated email notifications set up for notes, these will be sent to recipients as determined by your messaging settings if you tick the checkbox to Resend email messages to: the applicable recipients.
- Click the Save button, or the Back button if you are viewing only.
Viewing and editing confidential notes
- Find a student using the search bar and click on their name to go to their student dashboard.
- Click on the Confidential Notes item in the left hand menu.
- Select a date range to view using the Date range selectors.
- You can use the Filter icon to open the filter section for more filtering options.
- Click the Show button to display your results.
- Click the Pencil icon next to a confidential note to view or edit it. You can use the Search bar at the top right of the table to find specific notes, or sort any of the columns in the table with up or down arrows in the column header.
- Edit your confidential note as needed.
- If you are editing a confidential note and there are automated email notifications set up for confidential notes, these will be sent to recipients as determined by your messaging settings if you tick the checkbox to Resend email messages to: the applicable recipients.
- Click the Save button, or the Back button if you are viewing only
Deleting student notes and confidential notes
It is not recommended that you delete student notes or confidential notes, as it is of great benefit to have a full timeline of a student's notes history. However, under the circumstances that deleting a record is necessary, follow the simple process below.
- Choose a student from the search bar and click on their name to go to their student dashboard.
- Click on the Confidential Notes or Notes item in the left hand menu.
- Find the applicable note using the steps above for viewing and editing student notes/confidential notes.
- Click the X icon next to a note to delete it.
- Click OK.
Modifying student notes and confidential notes types for your school
Note: You will only be able to do this if you have the relevant permissions assigned.
- Go to Options > Software Settings > Lists & Options.
- Use the dropdown list to select the list you wish to access. Find the Students subheading and select either Confidential Notes Types or Notes Types.
For whichever list you have selected, you can add a new item by entering a name into the Item column, then clicking the Add button.
- You can use the Eye icon to hide/unhide options from the list, or the X icon to delete. You will not be able to delete types that you have already added to a student record in the past.
Just a word of advice...
Only authorised staff members should be given access to the Confidential Notes page. On these pages, an additional level of permission is available when selecting the Other users can view this record checkbox. Selecting the checkbox will allow any user to have access to the menu item and view this record, even if other records are not available to them. This option has been added to these sections, to allow you to share limited information with staff without compromising any other sensitive information.