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Troubleshooting: Student, staff or class details not showing or updating in XUNO?

Follow these steps to troubleshoot why student, staff, parent or timetabling information is not shown correctly or updating in XUNO.

  1. Check your Student Information System (SIS) details 
    Check that the details in your SIS software have been entered correctly, or if they have been entered into fields that XUNO does not read from. Read article 'CASES, CHESS and MAZE export fields' for the relative fields.
  2. Check that your SIS data has been imported

    Try re-importing your student, staff and parent details from your SIS. If you are a CASES21 (non-CHESS) school, this process will be set up to import automatically at 6am each morning. If you have changed your data in CASES21, you will have to either wait until the following morning, or manually re-import - follow the steps in the related article.
  3. Check your timetable import
    Please read and follow the steps in the related timetable import article. XUNO does not automatically import your timetable, and as this is a semi-manual process, you will have to manually complete the import each time you make changes to your timetable.
    When you import your timetable, please make sure that you read each section and select the correct options. For example, if your timetable is displayed on the wrong days, you may have selected the wrong start date.

    If you are importing your timetable from First Class or CASES21 (non-CHESS), your timetable may not have imported correctly because the semi-automated process of staging your timetable is linked to your XUNO scheduled tasks - if these scheduled tasks aren't working correctly or have already run (once per day), then your timetable will not be staged, and therefore will not import correctly. Ask your technician to manually run the scheduled tasks.
  4. Still not sure? Ask our team.
    Send an email or call XUNO Support for further assistance. Please make sure that you have followed the steps above before contacting us for assistance.