How to read news in XUNO

This article is for students, parents and carers at schools using XUNO News.


  1. Click on the XUNO menu item, or Home on the bar underneath the menu, to take you to your dashboard.
  2. Your dashboard will show you the latest news items in order, with the most recent at the top. Follow the steps below to view all news items.

All News

  1. Click on the School menu and then click on the News item. If you're on a mobile device, you'll need to tap on the menu icon in the top left first, before you can tap on the School menu.  
  2. The news page will show all current news items, which are tagged with a green "CURRENT" tag for easy identification.
  3. You can also view previous news or news in a different date range. Change your date range by clicking on the date picker in the top right of the screen, select your new date range, then click on the Update button. You can not view news items in the future.