1. Help Articles
  2. Administrators
  3. User accounts, user groups, and permissions

Logging in as a parent/carer or student

As a XUNO Administrator, there are times where a parent/carer or student says they cannot see something, and it would be useful to log in as them. Additionally, being able to log in as a parent/carer or student allows you to check that things have been set up correctly prior to notifying the school community that a feature is available.

Warning: Use this permission with extreme caution. All changes made when logged in as a parent, carer or student user are live changes.

In this article

Before you begin

Before allowing this feature, be aware of a few things:

  • Permission to log in as a student or contact applies to ALL teachers in the user group, so activate with caution.
  • Permission applies to ALL students or contacts, not a particular record.
  • Any changes made while logged in as the user are live changes. Proceed with caution.
  • Consider keeping the permission turned off unless absolutely needed.
  • All administrators automatically have permission to do this.


Administrators are always able to log in as a contact or student. Staff users not in the Administrators group may be given permission as needed.

To grant permissions:

  1. Go to Options > Software Settings > User Groups and Permissions.
  2. Click on the pencil icon next to the relevant permission group.
  3. Choose Staff on the left.
  4. Tick the checkbox for Login as Contacts/Students.

To remove permission:

  1. Go to Options > Software Settings > User Groups and Permissions.
  2. Click on the pencil icon next to the relevant permission group.
  3. Choose Staff on the left.
  4. Untick the box for Log in as Contacts/Students.

To log in as a parent/carer or student

  1. Search for the student to log in as, or whose parent/carer you wish to log in as.
  2. Find the name of the person to log in as.
    1. If logging in as the student click on Student information and then click the person icon next to the student name.
    2. If logging in as a parent or carer, click on Family Information and then click the person icon next to the person's name.
  3. Click OK.
  4. This will log you out as yourself and in as the student or parent/carer.
  5. Remember to log out when finished.


Can students or parents/carers log in as a different user?

No, only staff can do this, if they have the relevant permission.

Does this work with the XUNO Family app?

No, only with the desktop version.