How to use your staff Markbook

This article is for staff at schools using XUNO to assign and assess student classwork and homework with the Markbook.

The Markbook feature allows staff to electronically record grades, view and upload classwork/assignments, homework and assessment tasks just like they would in a paper-based mark book or grade book. Staff can set up their own Markbooks in addition to Markbooks that are set up from a school administrative level.

In this article


Adding a markbook item

Markbook integrates with the Parent & Student Portal allowing parents and students to view grades, uncompleted work, add work and download files for homework and classwork. Each class can have multiple assessment groups and each assessment group can have multiple assessment items, for example, a class can have an assessment group titled “Progress Report S1”, and the assessment items under that group are “Effort”, “Behaviour” and “Class Work”.

  1. Click on the Learning menu and then click on the Markbook menu item under the My Classes subheading.
  2. Choose the year from the drop-down list.
  3. Click on the class that you want to add results to. To individually add a form to your Markbook, click View or add forms and then click the white plus icon next to the appropriate form.
  4. Click on the appropriate markbook group.
  5. Enter results for each student under the appropriate markbook item. The format in which you will enter data will depend on the marking type of the markbook item. There is no need to save data entered as this is done automatically.


Feedback column

The feedback column can be used to record detailed assessment comments for student results. Each markbook item has this column available but feedback comments are only available to parents and students when the item Type is Classwork / Assignment or Homework.

  1. Choose a staff member from the search bar or click on the XUNO menu item.
  2. Click on the Markbook item in the left menu.
  3. Click on the class that you want to add feedback comments to.
  4. Click on the appropriate markbook group.
  5. In the header of the markbook group item that you want to add feedback to, click on the arrow icon  to show the feedback column.
  6. Click in the empty area of the feedback cell that corresponds to the student that you want to add feedback comments to.
  7. Add your feedback comments in the window that appears.
  8. Click on the  icon to save and close the comments.


Set a work extension date

  1. Choose a staff member from the search bar or click on the XUNO menu item.
  2. Click on Markbook item the left menu.
  3. Click on the appropriate class.
  4. Click on the appropriate markbook group.
  5. In the header of the markbook group item that you want to add extension dates to, click on the arrow icon  to show the feedback column.
  6. Place your mouse over the feedback column cell that corresponds to the student that you want to apply the extension date to.
  7. Click on the Calendar icon that appears in the cell.
  8. Select the new extension date in the calendar that appears.
  9. Click on the Save button.


To upload or download student work

  1. Choose a staff member from the search bar.
  2. Click on Markbook from the left pane.
  3. Click on the appropriate class.
  4. Click on the appropriate markbook group.
  5. In the header of the markbook group item that you want to upload or download work for, click on the arrow icon to expand the column and show the feedback column.
  6. Place your mouse over the feedback column cell that corresponds to the student that you want to upload or download work for.
  7. Click on the download icon that appears in the cell.
  8. Click on the uploaded work item you want to download or click the Upload Student Work to upload work for the student.

If you want to download student work in bulk, read the article Downloading student work from Markbook


Managing enrolments

The enrolments feature of Markbook allows you to adjust the class enrolment and exit dates for each student in your Markbook class. Adjusting these dates will show or hide students from the selected Markbook, and prevent uncompleted work alerts or tasks from needing to be completed. 

To learn how to use this feature, read the article:  How to modify the enrolment dates of a student in your markbook class.


How to add specific Markbook groups

  1. Click on the Options menu and then click on Assessment Settings under the Software Settings subheading.
  2. Choose Markbook from the drop-down list at the top of the page. 
  3. Use the dropdown list that appears below it to select the school year.
  4. Select a specific group to add your Markbook into from the header bar below the year drop down.
  5. The Subject, Class and Form Specific Groups items will allow you to choose a more specific group from the list that appears below.
  6. Once you've selected your specific group, fill in the new Markbook group name in the blank field that appears.
  7. Tick the appropriate check boxes to show this group in the Portal or prevent changes to the data saved in this group.
  8. Fill out the Assessment Items blank field with new assessment items.
  9. To edit the preset Assessment items, click on the Advanced Edit.
  10. Changes are automatically saved after each edit.