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  3. Timetabling and Daily Organisation

How to print relief teacher roles and daily classes list

The Staff Daily Classes Report is used for printing the timetables of all staff and relief teachers who have timetable changes through the day. This report is useful to print off at the beginning of the day to distribute among your relief teachers, who will likely require a print out of their days classes.

  1. Click on the Administration menu and then click on the Staff Daily Classes Report item under the Daily Organisation subheading. The report will show the current day’s timetable for all staff including relief teachers.
  2. To change the date, click the date picker at the top left of the report filter and select the new date. The page will automatically update. 
  3. You can filter the report by checking the Staff Members and Relief Teachers checkboxes. The page will automatically update with your filtered results.
  4. Click on the Print button.