How to modify the enrolment dates of a student in your markbook class

You can adjust the class enrolment and exit dates for each student in your Markbook class. Adjusting these dates can show or hide students from the selected Markbook, or prevent uncompleted work alerts or tasks from needing to be completed.

The student's class enrolment dates you modify only affect your Markbook and do not affect enrolment dates in any other areas of XUNO. For example, adjusting an exit date for a student in your Markbook will not cause the student to be removed from your class list or attendance rolls. These should be controlled from and adjusted on your timetable.

  1. Click on XUNO in the top menu to take you to your staff dashboard. 
  2. Click on the Markbook item in the left hand menu, and a list of your classes will be shown.
  3. Find and click on the class that contains the student you want to modify the enrolment dates for, and click on any group under that class.
  4. Find the student and click on the corresponding person icon next to their name. 
  5. A window will appear that allows you to modify the selected student's class enrolment and exit dates. Adjusting these class enrolment dates will override the student's timetabled class enrolment dates for your class in your Markbook only. It will not affect any other timetable-dependent features of XUNO (such as the class list or attendance rolls - see information in the blue box above). 
  6. Adjust the class enrolment dates as required. The dates you set will determine if the student needs to complete a task or not, and if they appear in your Markbook for this class or not. Only tasks that fall within the dates you set will be available to be completed.
  7. As an example: If you change the class enrolment exit date to yesterday, any tasks you have set for the class after yesterday will not be available to the student, and no alerts will appear for those tasks. In addition, the student will be hidden from your Markbook for this class as of today (because you specified that they left the class yesterday).
  8. Once you are happy with your changes, click on the Save button to apply the changes. You can adjust these dates again later, if needed.
  9. Your page will refresh. The date settings that you set earlier will determine if the student still appears in your Markbook or not, and what tasks will be available to them. 
  10. If the student is hidden, you can temporarily show the student by clicking on the Show hidden student checkbox at the top of your list of students.

What happens to any assessment results I've entered?
Modifying the Markbook class enrolment dates for a student will not delete any assessment results that you have previously entered, even if the student is hidden from your Markbook.

How do I see students and results that were previously shown? 
You can do this at any time. Click on the Show hidden student checkbox at the top of your list of students to temporarily show the hidden students and their results. If you need to modify the results of a hidden student, temporarily adjust their enrolment dates so that they are current once more, so that you can edit their results.