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  2. Administrators
  3. Student academic reports and Progress Reports

How to import student academic reports for an on premise school

This article is only for schools hosting their own XUNO database on premise.

XUNO supports all types of reports - annual, semester-based, progress and more. Reports can be stored in any electronic format (e.g. docx and PDF), however, we recommend that they are stored in Adobe PDF format to prevent anyone from changing the files.

  • All reports are stored in the /reports folder found inside of your XUNO installation folder.
  • Extra folders are required inside of the /reports folder in the format of: <calendar year>/<type of report>/<file name + student code>.<file extension>.
  • The report files must be stored within each of the folders that match the type of report. The report files do not require a specific naming format, but the filename must contain the student code.

/reports/ <calendar year>/<type of report>/<report file.xyz>

  • <calendar year> - the calendar year applicable to the reports (e.g. 2010, 2013, 2014). There are no limits to the years, so you may go back as far as you require. The folder name should only contain the calendar year.
  • <type of report>the name of the type of report (e.g. Semester 1, Semester 2, Term 2, Interim Week 2). The name you give to this folder is the name that will appear in XUNO to staff, parents and students.
  • <report file.xyz>the filename of each report for each student. The filename does not require a specific naming convention and can be any file type, but it must contain the student code. The filename is used to name the report when a user downloads it.

/reports/ 2015/Semester 1/ABB0003_2015-S1-report.pdf
/reports/2016/Interim/Interim Report ABB0003 2015-8.pdf
/reports/2016/Semester 2/Year10 ABB0003 2015S2.pdf