Extracting PAT Data from OARS to Import into GradeXpert

To extract your PAT testing data from the OARS system into GradeXpert, please follow the steps below. Once the files have been exported, send them to GradeXpert for conversion.

Note that you can also request to have your PAT data shown by strand as well, for example, PAT Maths can show the usual scale score and stanine, but can also show the Number, Geometry, Measurement, Statistics and Probability strands with the number of questions answered correctly, and the percentage correct for each of these strands. This makes it easier to identify the specific areas of learning need for individual students. 

1. Log in to the OARS website.


2. Once you have logged in, click the Reports menu.


3. Select the Group Report to generate.


4. Select the test type you want to export, based on the testing done by the school, e.g. PAT Maths. 


5. Select the test number to export (must be done one at a time), as well as the date range to export data for. The date range indicates the period when the test was completed online, so you can include data for previous years if allowed.


6. Select the year levels to include for this export, usually the same as the test number. E.g. PAT Maths Test 5 for year 5 students.


7. When all the correct selections have been made, click Generate Report, and (assuming data has been found) you will see a report on screen like the example below:


8. Before exporting, you need to select the year level to compare these students to, so that the scale scores and stanine values are calculated correctly for exporting. Usually, you will select the same year level as the test, e.g. PAT Maths 5 for year 5 students will be compared against other year 5 students.


9. Then click Download and select Table (not ‘all individual reports’).


10. Ensure all columns in the Download table are ticked, then click Export Report.

PAT 10

11. Once the export is completed, click Download to save the exported CSV data file to your 

PAT 11

12. If you open this file in Excel, it will look like the example file below.

PAT 12

13. Repeat the export process for all year levels that have done this PAT testing, and then attach all the exported files to an email and send them to support@gradexpert.com.au for conversion and importing.