Extract Attendance Data from CASES21

This process is usually only done a day or so before the actual printing of student reports (in which attendance data is printed), to ensure the attendance details are as up to date as possible.

1. In CASES, select Attendance > Attendance Export Files > SXAB51001 Summary Attendance Data Export File. 

ATT 1-1

2. When asked to choose the extract parameters in the screen below, select the start date and end date of the attendance data you want to extract from CASES. If this is being done for a whole term or semester, ensure you use dates that are inclusive of the start term date and end term date. Ensure you select all year levels and all home groups.

ATT 2-1

3. Save this file to a location and name the file using the semester and year, e.g. “Attendance Export Semester 1 2016.txt”.

ATT 3-1

4. The extracted attendance file contains student attendance information for the selected date range, including days absent and days late, similar to the example below.

ATT 4-1

5. Email this extracted file as an attachment to support@gradexpert.com.au and we’ll quickly convert it into a GradeXpert import file that we’ll return to you to import into GradeXpert. Once this file is imported into GradeXpert successfully, you’ll be able to print reports with 
attendance details filled out (days absent, optionally days late)