Export Victorian Curriculum Data from GradeXpert and Import into CASES21


Step 1 - Set up your VIC school number in GradeXpert
This step may already have been done if you have previously extracted progression point data from GradeXpert for previous years and semesters. If not, follow the steps below.

  • 1. The extracted GradeXpert Progression Point XML file requires your VIC school number to be present in GradeXpert. 
  • 2. To set this up in GradeXpert, click Settings > Other Settings and type your school number into the VIC School Number field, then click Save and Close. 
  • 3. This only needs to be done once.

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Step 2 - Extract a CASES student list that includes student registration number

  • CASES requires the student registration number when importing progression point data into 
  • CASES from external reporting systems such as GradeXpert.
  • This registration number is different to the student’s CASES ID, and appears in GradeXpert in Students & Results > Select Student > Edit Student Details. 

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  • If you have recently uploaded a new student list into GradeXpert, you can skip this step as you already have the registration numbers in GradeXpert. If not, you’ll be told this when running the extract.
  • These registration numbers can be extracted from CASES and imported into GradeXpert, so they don’t have to be added manually. This process is identical to a standard student extract and is described below.

Extract a current student list from CASES:

1. In CASES21, click Utilities > View & Report Data.
2. Double-click Worksheet - Display SQL table.

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3. When the screen below is displayed, click SQL. 

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4. To extract student data, copy and paste the below SQL script into the empty window and click Apply. The query below must be used precisely, otherwise the required data will not be 
extracted. This will also add in the latest parent contact details.

SELECT ST.STKEY As 'StudentNumber', ST.FAMILY as 'FamilyCode', ST.SURNAME as 'Surname', ST.FIRST_NAME as 'Firstname', ST.SECOND_NAME as 'Middlename', ST.PREF_NAME as 'Preferredname', ST.BIRTHDATE as 'birthdate', Gender, Grade = ROUND(ST.SCHOOL_YEAR,0), ST.HOME_GROUP as 'Class', ST.Enrolment_Year as 'year', Registration, ST.HOUSE as 'house', DF.TITLE_A AS 'Parent1_Title', DF.NAME_A as 'Parent1_Firstname', DF.SURNAME_A as 'Parent1_Surname', DF.MOBILE_A as 'Parent1_Phonemobile', UM.TELEPHONE as 'Parent1_Phonehome', DF.E_MAIL_A as 'Parent1_Email', DF.TITLE_B as 'Parent2_Title', DF.NAME_B as 'Parent2_Firstname', DF.SURNAME_B as 'Parent2_Surname', DF.MOBILE_B as 'Parent2_Phonemobile', DF.E_MAIL_B as 'Parent2_Email', DF1.TITLE_A AS 'Parent3_Title', DF1.NAME_A as 'Parent3_Firstname', DF1.SURNAME_A as 'Parent3_Surname', DF1.MOBILE_A as 'Parent3_Phonemobile', DF1.E_MAIL_A as 'Parent3_Email', DF1.TITLE_B as 
'Parent4_Title', DF1.NAME_B as 'Parent4_Firstname', DF1.SURNAME_B as 
'Parent4_Surname', DF1.MOBILE_B as 'Parent4_Phonemobile', DF1.E_MAIL_B as 
'Parent4_Email', (UM.Address02 + ', ' + UM.Address03 + ', ' + UM.State + ', ' + 
cast(UM.Postcode as char)) as HomeAddress, ST.Entry as EntryDate FROM ((ST LEFT JOIN DF 

5. Then click the top left cell to select all rows and columns, then click Export to Excel.

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6. If you are asked to “Always Trust” or “Trust Once” or “Cancel”, select Trust Once.

7. Once the data has been placed in an Excel file, switch to the open Excel file and save the data in that file to a CSV file, by choosing “CSV” on the “Save as type” drop-down list. 

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8. Save this file to a location that is accessible to you at the school, such as your U drive. If you get a message saying “Selected file does not support workbooks that contain multiple sheets”, click OK to save anyway, as we only need the first sheet.

9. Also answer Yes to the next prompt that asks “keep the workbook in the csv format when 

10. This student CSV file can then be imported into GradeXpert by going to Import and browsing to 
this CSV file.

11. Once this student file has been imported into GradeXpert, you can check that the student Registration numbers have been imported by selecting any student in Students & Results and clicking Edit Details. Their registration number should now appear in the “Reg. No.” box. Any students without a registration number will not be included in the Progression Point export.


Step 3 – Export Victorian Curriculum data from GradeXpert
Once the student registration numbers have been imported, you can export the Victorian Curriculum progression point data entered by teachers from GradeXpert into an XML file that can be imported into CASES.

1. To run the Progression Point export program, ensure you are using at least GradeXpert version If not, download and install it from this link:

2. In GradeXpert, go to Options > Database Utilities > Administrator Utilities > Export Progression Points

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3. Ensure you select the correct year and semester as the date period to extract data for, e.g. 2017 Semester 1.

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4. In the Save XML Extract To section, click Browse and select a location where the extracted XML file will be saved, such as a folder on your U: drive (this needs to be accessible by CASES).

5. Click the Refresh List button and you will be shown the list of data to be extracted – i.e. all 
Victorian Curriculum areas and strands, and all classes in your school that have scores entered for that year and semester.

6. Click Extract Now to begin the extract process, which only takes a few minutes.

7. Once the extract is completed, an XML file containing the extracted progression points will be saved into the folder you previously specified – this file will be imported into CASES as per the steps below.