Creating absence letters

This article explains how to create an absence letter to send to parents. This is used for schools who mark AM/PM attendance only.

This process will create a letter for each student with more than [x] number of absences, which may be sent home to parents. This is typically used for unexplained absences.

How to create an Absence letter

  1. Log into XUNO as an Administrator.
  2. Go to Administration > Attendance > Student Absences Report.
  3. Select the date range for which you wish to extract attendance data using the Date selectors.
  4. Use the dropdown list to select particular Forms, Year levels or Houses as required.
  5. Click on the Filter icon and choose which students you wish to create the letter for (typically all students). Note: The process will still check that the selected students have unexplained absences and will not create letters for those students who do not have the required number of unexplained absences.
  6. Click the dropdown list next to Reason: and select the attendance reason you wish to alert the parents about (typically Unexplained).
  7. Click the Show button.
  8. Click the Create Absence Letters ] text.
  9. Type in the minimum numbers of absent periods that a student must have had in order to receive the letter. This goes in the 'Create letters for students who have a minimum of [x] periods absent' field.
  10. In School's return postal address:, type in the school address (use a P.O. address if you have one).
  11. In Closing details: enter any extra information you wish to appear at the end of the letter.
  12. Next to Create letters for both parents, tick the checkbox if you wish letters to go to both Parent A and Parent B in the student's Primary family.
  13. Click the Create button.
  14. This will open a new tab with the reports to print. It is recommended you check the letters prior to printing.
  15. Once satisfied that you have chosen the correct students and dates, select the required printer and follow normal printing processes for your browser.