Checking your EduHub sync details in XUNO

This articles is for Victorian government schools using XUNO and explains how to check whether the data sync from CASES21 to XUNO via EduHub is working correctly.

To check when your data will be synced from CASES21 to XUNO, go to Options > Help& Options > Troubleshoot & Maintenance:

Then, click on Staged SIS Data in the first table cell:


You should see something similar to below:

From this example, I can see the date of the Last SIS data export, which is the data coming from CASES to Eduhub, and I can expect the next one to occur at 10:51am on this same date. I can also see the Autoimport last run time and date, which is the data moving from the Eduhub folder into XUNO. The next autoimport will be one hour later than this. Both of these processes occur hourly during office hours.

So, in the case above, if I had made my change in cases at, say, 9:45am, then I could see that it would already have come across to Eduhub, and would be expected to have synced to XUNO at 10am. If instead I had made my change at 9:55am, then I would need to wait for the next SIS export at 10:51am, and then the next autoimport to XUNO at 11am.