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  3. Student, staff and contact record management

Adding or removing coordinators for a student

In XUNO, you can add any staff member as a coordinator for a student, which allows various functions, such as Pulse monitoring of staff, automated messaging notifications for incidents, notes, and more.

In this article

Adding students to a coordinator

  1. Go to Administration > Reports > Students.
  2. Use the Search bar above the table to find a single student, OR
  3. Select the required filters to find the student(s) you would like to assign a coordinator to. You can see additional filtering options by clicking on the Filter icon.
  4. Click the Show button.
  5. Select the corresponding checkboxes in the left hand column for the students you would like to assign the coordinator to, or select the checkbox in the column header if you would like to select all students. Note that this selects all students on the current page, so in some circumstances you may need to increase the number in the Items per page dropdown list.
  6. Select Add students to a coordinator from the With ticked: dropdown list.
  7. Select the staff member who is to be the coordinator from the dropdown list, then click the Go button.


Removing students from a coordinator

  1. Follow Steps 1 to 5 from the above section, 'Adding students to a coordinator'.
  2. Select Unassign students from their coordinator from the With ticked: dropdown list.
  3. Either leave the default option of All staff, or select the staff member you'd like to remove as coordinator from the student(s) from the dropdown list. Click the Go button.

Did you know...

You can allow parents/carers to make Parent Teacher Interview bookings with their child's coordinators? You can do this by going to the PT Interview Settings under the Options menu and selecting the check box for Coordinator bookings.

If your school allows parents/carers and students to message teachers using XUNO, they will also be able to message that student's coordinators.